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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. damn! those are some beautiful pics! I really love the first one
  2. would someone be willing to invite 2 of my siblings? they've wanted an invite since i told them about the site. if no, i completely understand. ryan.sorochan@gmail.com cayley.sorochan@gmail.com thanks!
  3. Thanks for the input you guys! I really appreciate it
  4. Our internet provider (Shockware) just called and said that we have a 5GB limit per month for our internet (my mom was the one talking to him so she may not have described what he said properly). Then he said that today, we've used 2 GB of that (in one day) Just the last couple of days the internet has been extremely slow and sometimes didn't connect at all. The guy on the phone says the 2GB in one day thing could be caused by a virus, or file sharing. Questions 1. Does the 5GB limit refer to the amount that I can download per month? Or is it something else? (I'm sure I've downloade
  5. Thanks, I'll start with that one then!
  6. I really like this song! I haven't really gotten into The New Pornographers at all yet. Any recommendations for an album to start with?
  7. yeppers, i'm still waiting. i thought it would be really fantastic if this thing would have shown up today for my b-day, but alas, maybe tomorrow. to be fair to musictoday, they clearly stated that any international shipping would take 8-24 days after the release date to arrive (this was the shipping option i choose, and i don't even think this one was the slowest option). it's been 14 days since the release date, which doesn't contradict anything that musictoday stated. i know your frustrated, and i would be too if i hadn't broken down and just went and bought the album the day it came o
  8. I agree completely. I love DMB and I don't care what anybody else says. It won't change the fact that I thoroughly enjoy their music!!
  9. oh damn! heehee. i didn't mean that i thought that jay was a sellout and hence you should have mentioned him in that thread, but rather that the whole jay vs nels battle is just another contentious issue and would keep that thread going for days and days. i should have been more careful in my wording. sorry for future reference: i enjoy the wilco with jay invovled. even though i haven't listened to his solo stuff (yet), i respect him as an artist. we good?
  10. if you were going to post about jay in any thread, you should have stuck it into the 'sellout' thread (not because I think he is a sellout, but because it would just cause another fight that would turn that thread into a 40 page monster) and then maybe it would turn into the ultimate VC fighter challenge... *the above post has been editted
  11. why'd you have to shit in the punch bowl?
  12. The "and I should take care" from Hate It Here gets me every time! I also am in love with the "I have no idea how this happened!" section in YAMF. Gorgeous!!
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing-on-St...Provincial_Park
  14. Thanks for all of the good wishes guys!!! I'm not doing much today, but will be celebrating with my friends and family on saturday with a fondue and then some live music and partying!!! Man, if you don't know what hoodoos are, you have no idea what true beauty is! I wish i could post a picture, but my upload speed is horrific! As for being drunk...18 is the legal drinking age here. Jesus, i don't know what's with the 21 rule that you have to suffer through though. You can get married, vote, and join the army when you're 18 (that's my understanding at least), but you can't have a fr
  15. I'm sorry, but if you are going to let something so trite as a song in a commercial start to eat away at your soul, then that's your problem. I love music. It's an integral part of my life. I choose to not let something like an ad with a song i love in the background ruin the music for me. No matter how you look at it, music is a product. Maybe Wilco should just stop charging fees for their concerts and give everything away so that they are not seen as 'selling out'. edit: the above is my opinion.
  16. I would love to see them perform Why Would You Wanna Live!! Awsome Possum!
  17. I absolutely love "This is New"!!!! One of my favourite wilco tracks...ever!
  18. I've never heard the expresssion "chuffed" before...I think I'll try and slip it into my dinner conversations tonight... Have fun at the Jools Holland taping!!!
  19. damn! I'm really groovin to this studio version!! I like it better than the live versions, for sure
  20. hmmm... I really love the entire album, but my least favourite tunes would have to be Walken and What Light. I really like hearing them live, though. My favourites would have to be YAMF and SWTS. Leave Me has definitely been growing on me like crazy this last week!!
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