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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. i thought that was supposed to be in the Paste interview, which i've yet to find...
  2. oh damn! i would love to see this done solo!
  3. i didn't really like this song when i first got AGIB. after seeing it performed live, however, it has become one of my favourite songs. its so beautifull!
  4. this summer i'm determined to get through a stack of books from christmas. these include Slaughterhouse 5, tropic of cancer and capricorn, and homer's the oddessy and the illiad
  5. agreed agreed heehee. i kid i kid. agreed heehee. i kid i kid.
  6. this is a gorgeous song!!! the lyrics, the arrangement, the emotion are wicked! and i really love jeff's vocals on this one!
  7. this really sucks for those of us who have to wait for our shitty international shipping times and won't be getting the album before the webcasts...
  8. Jail Guitar Doors 3:05 The Clash The Clash Alternative & Punk 1 07/12/06 4:40 PM Jail Guitar Doors 3:05 The Clash Super Black Market Clash Alternative & Punk Tweedy Theories on Guitar Shapes w/ "Sweet Leaf" Snippet 2:03 Jeff Tweedy Living Room Show 3 - Winnetka, IL Rock 1 03/05/07 11:57 AM Electric Guitar 3:02 Talking Heads Fear Of Music New Wave Cantara Sin Guitara 8:05 Valley of the Giants Valley of the Giants the beatles - while my guitar gently weeps 4:45 Various History of RnR #4 lets go to..."giants"
  9. i liked calculus better than Math 30, and i did better in it as well.
  10. hey, I was just wondering if this interview has come out yet in the magazine? i didn't see it in the May issue. do you think it might be in the june issue?
  11. oooooooohhh! i can't wait to see this on the big screen in my basement, with some drinks and poppin corn!
  12. ok, i also have a mac and i've learned to use this program, which is really easy once you get the hang of it. 1. open up xAct 2. click on the 'decode' tab near the top left 3. click on the 'add' button near the bottom left 4. find the flac file that you've downloaded, and press the 'add files' button in the bottom right 5. then you can either convert the file to wav or aiff format (i usually do wav) 6. press decode and choose where you want to save the converted file 7. you can then play this file in most music programs 8. if you want to put it on your ipod, add the wav file to itunes, and t
  13. thanks for giving us these little tidbits to whet our appetite! i can't wait to hear the whole show, thanks for putting so much work into this!!
  14. YAY! I hope you're feeling better and want you to have a fantastic day!
  15. I think this is her best record by far!!
  16. thanks for doing such a great job with the site! i've been going back and weeding my way through all of the articles. good fun!
  17. happy birthday! take a cue from your avatar and do some crazy dancing to celebrate!
  18. oooooohhhhhhhhh! thanks for bringing this to my attention!!!!
  19. Damn, its hard to fit them in to just 10 spaces.... Pick Up The Change Spiders (kidsmoke) Misunderstood Wishful Thinking How To Fight Loneliness Company in my Back Kamera Pot Kettle Black Hate it Here You Are My Face/Side With The Seeds
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