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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. I thought our grandfathers who had office jobs took summers off and three martini lunches?? Can you imagine the increase in productivity in any company with IT depts now? Its through the roof. Say accounting or human resources for instance. At least 1000 percent increase minimum. One person can easily do in one hour what it took at least ten people 8 hours a piece to do. Especially with document imaging and content management pieces.
  2. I cant believe Jeff Tweedy would have "lunch" with The "President"!!!
  3. haha believe it or not IRDB is/was an Eric Cantor constituent you know im starting to wonder what someone/anyone is gonna do about these public shootings. I mean god damn how many times are we supposed to look the other way??
  4. I will say 1000 percent that it must take MASSIVE cajones to go to some festival like this and play like TEN new songs in a row from the beginning!!! I for sure cant think of ANY touring act now or in the past that would even attempt such a thing! Anyone?? PS I already love World Away or whatever its called
  5. DANG! That didn't take long. We now have CHEWINGGUMGATE at the D-Day ceremony! OH THE HORROR!! Apollo 11 mission and Bergdahl in Afghanistan. Same body of knowledge exists on those two for sure.
  6. this makes me pine for the old days of "Umbrellagate" or "Feet on the deskgate" or "Dijon mustardgate" or maybe the horrid beer he had with the cop and dr gates
  7. do you think if we had pulled out next year and Bergdahl was still in captivity the Republican/Independents would have accused him of "leaving a man behind"??? And the SH*T about him causing the deaths of six other soldiers is pure garbage
  8. haha all kinds of busts on this thread as an official DeadHead I can say from my own experience that you should screw everything post Brent and for sure everything post Jerry. I would say the best thing Ive seen post JG was The Other Ones in 1998 with Kimock and Hornsby to sing the Jerry parts and then after that was 1999 Phil and Phish with Trey playing and singing Jerry perfectly (meaning different but great) seriously give the Unbroken Chain a listen and its the best any band every played live. IMO Since then I could really care less unless maybe its in a very intimate setting or someth
  9. I think a couple of Flaming Lips songs are some of the best ever written in rock history but what do I know? Especially Fight Test and Race For The Prize and of course Do You Realize. I mean just watch Do You Realize on Letterman when it came out. Seems like it may have been the first time or two they had played it live and it is SO GOOD!! I also love most all of their "popular" songs. Yeah Yeah Yeah and Yoshimi etc..........
  10. that Tokyo show does sound insanely good because the audiences there STFU I guess. whether you like it or not you can hear every bit of it
  11. What about those asshats that go by the name of Green Day?? The Foo Fighters are barely tolerable especially live nowadays where Grohl yells "CMON" or "alright lets go motherfukkers" before every hook
  12. something like 400 minus the 30 I put in I had a couple trifecta boxes with the 17 in them but didn't get the first two matched up I swear there was so much positive stuff written about the 50-1 number 17. More than any of the other long shots
  13. I had 10 across the board on Curve After reading a bunch of crap until my eyes hurt he seemed by far the best long shot to me. And 50 to 1 is unreal. Now on to the next two races!
  14. oh shit I forgot about Lady Gaga!
  15. Haha!! Name one band who came out after 00 that will make The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame??
  16. heroin is actually a close call has anyone seen the jumpin jack flash video??
  17. Ron Wood?? If old stars go on tour for the $$$$$$$$$ What the HELL is McCartney doing a 3 month tour for?
  18. hahaha!! Stewart! I actually laughed and out loud even! Im gonna go with that one by the Matchbox 20 guy and Santana
  19. Whatever that word means anyway The correct answer is Sympathy For The Devil but there may be other opinions. I say in THIS century it could be "I am trying to break your heart" and no Im not kidding. Only because OK Computer came out in 98 or whatever. Now for ME PERSONALLY the most groundbreaking LIVE song I think Ive seen was Misunderstood at The 930 Club. I was like "DAMN! This aint no hippie shit"
  20. PopTodd those Arena shows would be just as good because he usually plays stadiums. He will rock those places.
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