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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Crack is bad for you mmmmmmkay The only album that even comes close to touching BotT is Desire. I think Empire Burlesque and Infidels are both easier better than Planet Waves. Brah
  2. Man I would pay 2000 to go to shows like this in small rooms. I was gonna try and go to the Italy and Holland shows but work made it impossible. I swear next time.
  3. Does Top 40 even exist anymore? Whats the difference in sales amounts nowadays compared to say the 70s?
  4. Thats a HELL of a good looking setlist IMO. LOVE LOVE LOVE a Sunken Treasure Opener.
  5. haha. gotta love Wikipedia! In November 2009, Joe Perry stated that Tyler had not been in contact with the band and could be on the verge of quitting Aerosmith.[150] In a later interview, Perry confirmed that Tyler told the other members of the band that he quit the band after the November concert in Abu Dhabi.[151][152] Aerosmith are currently on indefinite hiatus.[citation needed]The band recruited Matt Erhartic as their new vocalist November 11, 2009. Erhartic has been quoted in calling Tyler a "little pussy" and has recently admitted giving his daughter Liv Tyler the "Pirate", a deviant
  6. The best song of all of the Mermaid stuff is "I Guess I Planted........" I absolutely love it and listened to it no less than 20 times in a row one time. I LOVE Bragg singing and Wilco going Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah! Or Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
  7. Heres the Loving Cup and Im trying to figure out whats not to like. Id advise everyone to check this out and get back to us
  8. You sound like you know alot about The Phish scene.
  9. yeah that Phil Lesh. What a poseur! you surely must be joking my man otherwise youre about slow
  10. Number One: Why would I give a flying shit if Jeff Tweedy is a Phish fan??? If by hang out in the least you mean to play Ripple with Phil Lesh then yeah youre right. You sound like a sad human that thinks he is above other people. Try smoking some pot brother.
  11. I love when they are walking by the old couple at the country club and Hayden Church is saying something about the chick riding his johnson or something and the husband of the old couple says "Hey Buddy do you mind" or something and I die laughing every time. im laughing typing this
  12. I was suprised Requiem For a Dream or Traffic werent earlier. Both of these films were great IMO Even Blow was good:-) What about SIDEWAYS one of the funniest films ever IMO
  13. I used to enjoy when they opened with Sunken Treasure. Great way to start a show and melt some faces right off the bat.
  14. good call. i was lucky enough for a few years to live two blocks from there. what a beautiful urban spot. man i miss georgetown big time
  15. Not sure whos doing what but for me personally it would be hard as hard to touch Mermaid Ave. I love almost every song on there just about more than anything. The MUSIC and the way its built around the lyrics is unreal to me. I think it way up there as an album for me. I remember listening to "I Guess I Planted...." or whatever its called. LOVE that one and every other one. Im gonna look up the track listing and come back. 1."Walt Whitman's Niece" – 3:53 2."California Stars" – 4:57 3."Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key" – 4:06 4."Birds and Ships" – 2:13 5."Hoodoo Voodoo" – 3:12 6."She Came
  16. actually if you like the wilco band's lead singer Jeff Tweedy you might like this but you should turn this one up really loud
  17. what did you guys do back in the 90s when people were stage diving at Wilco shows? Go fetal in the corner and cry until the encore??
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