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Everything posted by froggie

  1. i always thought: 1) they give him the theme 2) he picks the songs he wants 3) sitting in his tour bus, he records the dialogue 4) they record it splice together and find a fake email and phone call 5) we hear it!
  2. bobsboots.com will be your friend. i have both, but prefer ATWT http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t13.html
  3. taller than John seriously 5'8" - thats what i am and in the photo i have he's the same height as me
  4. Outtasite, Shot in the arm & what else apart from the complete clips in the YHF doco?
  5. might update mine: AM: too far apart / dash 7 BT: sunken treasure / sesame st version of Outtasite MA1: one by one / she came along to me ST: when you wake up feeling old / pieholden suite MA2: mountain bed / i was born YHF: kamera / heavy metal drummer AGIB: hummingbird / hell is chrome or ALTWYS WTA: you never know/ you and i
  6. Dylan did a cool version of Miss the Mississippi with Dave Bromberg in 1992
  7. who's gonna look after her pussy and keep Mrs Axelby company?... R.I.P Mollie. i love the show
  8. you took the words out of my mouth!
  10. i also love the AM -> ST period. even though i discovered wilco when mermaid avenue came out, i still listen to the 90's albums the most. when AGIB came out, i though "what the hell's jeff doing?". i still cant listen to it straight through. SBS was a lot like a 'come back' album for me
  11. it aint me babe, no no no it aint me babe! what was said about old Donny anyway?
  12. howsabout..? i must be high casiono queen box full of letters shouldnt be ashamed pick up the change i thought i held you thats not the issue its just that simple should've been in love passenger side dash 7 blue eyed soul too far apart
  13. is that where the voice jumps notes without sliding from one to the other?
  14. i read that as Should've been love!
  15. nah, he's touring australia this month. although "tweedy & garfunkel" sounds like a good idea!. he could pull off a good version of Its just that simple
  16. because we have a "u" in FavoUrite and ColoUr! actually it stands for 'Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services'
  17. Raleigh 99 is a fave of mine. anything from the end of 99, september 00 is great. also japan and australia 01
  18. Mississippi John Hurt - 1928 sessions never looked back after that one!
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