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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Posting up slightly earlier this week. I a back on with the Sunday Mixtape Show this Sunday November 22 at 5:30 PM central time. See above for details, but if you are out of town you can tune in on TuneIn or through the WNUR.org website. I am short of time this week so I am just going to pick some "great songs" to play. Requests? Will throw something Wilco related on this show for sure. LouieB
  2. Did you try discogs?? If it is out there it will be on that website. Edit - So the graphic you have is from Discogs. So what is the graphic attached to? It should be a listing. The material itself is available on CD at least in some other format. LouieB
  3. Although the 18 disks sure sounds cool, I will probably opt for the 6. LouieB
  4. Back on the air today at 4 PM to 530 PM Central (November 15) doing the Sunday Mixtape Show. Playing some cool stuff today including Bloodshot artists the Banditos, the Yawpers, Bottle Rockets, a couple more Dylan covers as well as early early Dylan with Carolyn Hester, Harry Belafonte and Big Joe Williams, acoustic guitar from Fahey, Jansch, and Grossman, jazz with Sonny Rollins and Chicago Saxophone Quartet, honky tonk country, and odds and ends from The Byrds, Allen Toussaint, and Courtney Barnett (yea, I'm on board.) All this is at 89.3 FM in Chicago or on the web at WNUR.org at 4 - 5:3
  5. This is too bad. I guess he passed after playing a show. Way to go. LouieB
  6. Just got my ticket to the Hideout show in 6 months.... Freakwater is a quirky band, not to everyone's taste. LouieB
  7. Bumping this. I am on WNUR,org Sunday November 12 at 5:30 PM central time. This is a fill in for the metal show, but I will be playing R&B like I used to. Should be fun if you have time. Will be on a week later as well doing the Mixtape Show, but more on that later. LouieB
  8. Far be it from me to defend this guy, but it is possible that he was told he should apply to West Point because he would get a free education (everyone West Pointer does) and that he then extrapolated this out to he was offered a scholarship to the school. Maybe this story is not the right place to attack him. He says so many other wacky and more verifiable things, why not just stick with those? LouieB
  9. Freakwater is NOTHING like Eleventh Dream Day. It is a solid alt-country affair, not a rock band by any stretch. If you like offbeat (like the Handsome Family), waltz time, low key, country inflected songs, they are for you. Janet does not play drums with Freakwater. LouieB
  10. This is a good question, but being bright (or even a genius) does not preclude someone from having really wacky ideas. So long as he knew surgery and that was his field, his religious, historical, political, or philosophical beliefs were not part of the equation. LouieB
  11. Not being elected to office would not disqualify him for the Presidency, but total lunacy should. LouieB
  12. After all these years they have finally landed on Bloodshot. My first interaction with Bloodshot was trying to find their records 20 years ago when they had a song on the first Bloodshot compilation. Now they are recording for them. Amazing. LouieB
  13. California Stars was playing in The Grind this morning when I stopped in for a hot cider. LouieB
  14. Well there are lyrics in Misunderstood that are also borrowed from another song, but they are attributed. Borrowing riffs as quotes in songs is also not really plagiarism. Taking an entire song and passing it off as original is. Clearly this song is an homage and for better or worse (clearly people here think it is worse) it's kind of fun. LouieB
  15. What are people saying here? He name checks Jeff and gives a slight melodic tip of the hat so it's not like he's plagiarizing. Is it a terrible song? Well he gets to join the entire bro-country crowd I guess. LouieB
  16. Wow, these guys were the VC buzz band when I first started coming here nearly 10 years ago. it's a good album but I doubt I would pop for the vinyl this many years on. LouieB
  17. In fact I am going to give her more money and check out her recent album too. LouieB
  18. Well that looks cool. She needs a late career resurgence. LouieB
  19. Gave the CD another listen. It is better than okay. LouieB
  20. Hey it could be neither but they do look a whole lot alike. LouieB
  21. I wish it were up to him. He's setting a good example but that's his personal decision. LouieB
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