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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. I was going to say the exact same thing. No artist in their right mind would turn down a chance to open for Bob Dylan on an extended tour like this. Wilco is going to get paid a ton of dough, get tons of exposure, get the rock star treatment, sell tons of merch, etc. For old fans this probably doesn't pay. But the tour will sell out and be great for Wilco. LouieB
  2. That's Mark Knopfler. By contrast Jim and Jeff are just kids. I doubt it will happen. I could see Richard Thompson joining him for some guitar though. Who doesn't want Richard Thompson to play with them?? I have seen him join Emmylou recently and Patti Smith a few years back. LouieB
  3. LouieB

    The RTT

    At an infant center where they are playing Beatles tunes on some sort of tinkley instrument on a tape. Driving me insane. LouieB
  4. Has this ever happened? Just curious. I can't see Dylan doing this, but maybe things have changed. LouieB
  5. Richard will just be getting warmed up. This looks like a grueling schedule that's for sure. LouieB
  6. Buy all the guns you want. I certainly don't care. Feel free to shoot whomever or whatever you want. Gun owners often end up shooting themselves. I am not opposed to that either if you make that choice. LouieB
  7. And it would be a great way to get shot too. There are a whole bunch of good guys with guns who could easily mistake you for a bad guy with a gun. LouieB
  8. Ultimately 5000 employees isn't that much. Think of all the people involved in regulating automobiles including every DMV for drivers licenses and plates, all the state and local police, etc. You want smaller government? You got it. This is an argument which will never be won by either side until the public is sick of guns which are killing machines being lightly regulated. Guns have very little purpose really, particularly the ones in question. You have a right to them so you can get them. That seems to be the only logic there is. They are fun to shoot, they kill animals, and they
  9. Joining the armed forces is certainly a way to gain all sorts of benefits. When the draft ended, many people signed up because it was a job, a way to get out of their neighborhoods it offered an education, etc. If it were only folks wanting to be patriotic or kick ass there would still be a draft because they wouldn't have enough people. Oh and by the way...nothing wrong with that. I think in some ways we still need a draft, but a plenty of folks join simply because they don't know what else to do or don't have other options. LouieB
  10. II am proud to say that both Illinois Senators, one Democratic and one Republican have F ratings with the NRA. The other day I was talking to a friend. I guess you guys who want unfettered guns can have all you want if you give us gay marriage, and legal pot, and real immigration reform. Meanwhile more thousands of people will have to die before Congress takes some common sense gun ownership reform. So go ahead and keep killing people for the foreseeable future while the rest of us get on with our lives. In the immortal words of Wilco "I don't care anymore." LouieB
  11. Sure enough. I also went to work for the government to serve my country and do my civic duty as well, (I also worked in the non-public sector to do my civic duty and serve my country and didn't get any benefits that were ongoing) but getting the heath insurance is a good perk. My point continues to be, we all do what we do and getting the benefits are okay too. LouieB LouieB
  12. Life is interesting, as are people's interpretations of why we do things. The more we get to know one another the more human it all becomes. Here Hixter indicates he joined the army NOT to defend his country or do his civic duty, but in order to be part of the social safety net that is government employment that includes free healthcare (and I assume he is getting a public pension as well.). That's cool with me because I did the same. But I don't think any one can criticize others for accessing the same social safety net of social security, unemployment, medicare or Medicaid, welfare, Obam
  13. Well yes and no. I get the NRA strangely. I don't get dumping on poor people, old people, and the disabled. LouieB
  14. There are some cold motherfucking Wilco fans in this place. Just sayin. LouieB
  15. None of the people who were interviewed were me, but Carter is the guy I work with. Come look for me at Carter's Thang if you are a VCer. Early Bird is $25 I believe. Unless you are really into getting the very best LPs I would not do that, but since I don't know you I can't make that determination. There will be lots of good stuff left at 10 for the general public, but there are lots of dealers, some with collectable type stuff and others with normal titles. We have some of both. The biggest advantage of paying the extra dough is there are less people. But if you come later make sure y
  16. No one likes it. So what should we cut? (By the time this is done, those things will probably be off the table.) LouieB
  17. Not sure I am going to the Roscoe Mitchell show for starters and see how it goes. Looks like Vandyke is the night before and that is also Record Story Day weekend, so I doubt it. LouieB
  18. Okay,....so who is Silvio? Looks like I am the dumb ass this time. LouieB
  19. Considering there are shows there already I guess things are pretty far along, but won't know for a couple weeks when I get in there. This space has just gobs of potential. LouieB
  20. No more reason to state the obvious I guess. LouieB
  21. If she had not heard of the Beatles then you might be shocked (or not), but aside from some serious over exposure on the CSI series(s) and some equal over exposure on some commercials, if you don't listen to classic rock on the radio (or any radio) why would you know of them? How were these people? Not everyone knows everything, There is plenty of stuff we all don't know, even stuff others think is so so obvious. LouieB
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