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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Well Dag, you had your chance... sorry you couldn't join too. You (we) would have enjoyed the whole evening. And yes, I think that's me with the goofy smile in the bottom. That's my "Wilco contentment" look. Fred, thanks for that. I try to be a bit discreet. Most folks are more curious about what it says than they are annoyed. I agree it was a good crowd in our area. Sorry I didn't introduce myself... I really need to do that more at shows... lots of VC folks who I would/should meet in person. I think we need some way to identify ourselves.. maybe radiatortunes can design us a VC pi
  2. I was fortunate enough to have a much better vibe over on the Pat side of the stage. Lotta dancing, almost everyone standing and no sit/stand tension at all, some pogo-ing (OK, that was me), no talkers. Limited selfies, although the guy behind me had his phone brightness set on "outdoor" quite a bit. Had one random guy in the aisle who had the Willie Nelson braided pigtails and bandana, sans the facial hair, and he was having a blast. We got along well. Ended up seeing him down the street later, and he's a long-time Phish fan and relative newcomer for the Wilco's. The stage on the AD sid
  3. Yup. I had to go back to using safari on my phone. Not sure what the deal is.
  4. OK, getting down to the wire here... any offers? I'll split up the 4 as needed. I can meet you at the venue, or probably at Euclid records ahead of the show too.
  5. I have a single ticket for the orchestra pit sec 5 (Pat side) available for $87 (face+fees). PM or post here. Vince
  6. I have 4 hard tickets for STL at the Fabulous Fox. Orch 2, Row K, outside aisle, seats 21-27. $50 each, no fees. PM me or post here. Vince
  7. "Nope" is a Mikael-driven krautrock / EDM mashup with some seriously heavy pedal steel woven in, with very few lyrics which are mostly indiscernible.
  8. I totally get the premise. My first reaction to the album title was a groan. It's like they're looking for names for novelty records, a la Weird Al or something. For SW, we were able to hear the music at the same time we heard the title, so there wasn't much time to react solely to the title. And I love the music on SW. And the first two songs we have from this one sound great too. But yeah, the titles are off-putting for me. Not indicative of the music at all. I get that the band isn't taking itself so seriously, so that's great. But it sure seems like they're going a little over the
  9. This tune would not be out of place on Sukierae either.
  10. I didn't. I put in my email, and it took me straight to a download screen. That email was the same one that Wilco already uses to send me updates, fwiw.
  11. Funny, I was just listening to that Rochester show over the weekend, and yes it's quite good (even considering it's outdoors). I have night 6 of the Winterlude shows from the roadcase, and I think it sounds great. I'm probably biased on that one though. VC-->BBN. Hoo boy.
  12. I got a long legalese email on this last month, and I can see around 15 or so vouchers and ticket pairs listed today. My favorite line in the email was this:
  13. Mostly overplanted basil... which will lead to an oversupply of pesto... which is just fine with me.
  14. Make it happen! But skip the opener, so maybe that'll help with logistics.
  15. Day off! woohoo! Smokin' a couple butts out on the deck... pork butts, that is.
  16. I liked "Dreams" a lot, but I'm just not into the full scale hip-hop stuff. Hoping the new record will swing more to the "Dreams" end of that scale.
  17. I'd call that the "Best Set List Possible Without Bull Black Nova"
  18. Most fun I've had at a show in a while. Gary looked / played / sounded great. The new stuff mixed right in with the rest of the show. The band came out after the show and mingled and merch'ed for quite a while. Great crowd (definitely a Friday night crowd).
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