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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Why can't I get my iPhone alarm clock to use a song instead of an annoying tone now that I have "upgraded" to 7.0?
  2. Should I go see The Romantics tonight? It's free but I'm thinking it's gonna be sad sad sad. They gotta be pretty old. I saw them open for Cheap Trick in like 1980. Seriously.
  3. Well that was cumbersome. But successful.
  4. Today I did not load IOS 7 onto my iPhone. It says it needs 5GB of free space to load. Seriously? That's like half my Wilco collection.
  5. Break a leg! Or whatever the appropriate radio good luck saying is.....
  6. Fair enough... but they still have that potential till you boil them and destroy forever their potential tastiness.
  7. Sorry, but there's no point in taking a perfectly tasty peanut and boiling it till it loses both its texture and its flavor. Boiled peanuts are just mushbeans in a shell. Kinda like edamame but with less taste and mushier. Of all the foodthings that come from the south, this is not our finest.
  8. I returned to The United States. (null)
  9. I had a peach on my cereal. I liked that. I will travel to China for the rest of July.
  10. Would love to hear what you think of the show. I have tickets for them later in the fall. Haven't seen them before. Very curious to hear what kind of crowd they have... The new record is good, also a bit of a grower for me. Seemed rather samey to me on the first couple listens.
  11. I also don't see it today. I also checked yesterday, and didn't see it then either. Was it in its own little section, or hiding under "stickers, etc" or something? The SS website doesn't list the online sale option anymore... just the list of shops. This would be unfortunate.
  12. The Black Keys with The Flaming Lips. Would rather have it the other way around, but looking forward to both. Looks like the lips are getting 10-11 songs in as the opener, so that'll do. Never seen either of them.
  13. The Big Wheel ain't nobody's poor man's nothing. Those things were the best.
  14. The magic words for dealing with any call center agent who isn't getting you what you think you should be getting are "may I speak to a supervisor". That will get you up a notch, usually to someone who will see things eye to eye with you or at least can articulate why you don't deserve whatever you think you do. It's not an insult to the agent, and it's not "impolite" or rude assuming you just keep cool and simply say what you want. It's just part of the process. There are layers in the structure, and the first layer doesn't always have a consistent set of people or personal attitudes. S
  15. Zojirushi rocks. Probly not the cheapest, but ours is something like 10 years old and still going strong.
  16. "and states that have outlawed paperless ticketing." Is that true?
  17. I remember that one... quite funny. When I was in high school we went to see a Kansas concert... when we said we were going to see Kansas, the mom of one of my friends asked "who are they playing?".
  18. The doctor stuck a thing up my nose today and told me I have the flu. Same thing happened to my wife today. Having both grownups down for the count is not good. So, in a word, shitty.
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