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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. no, but i think you know the right combination
  2. i think i define "pop" song differently from most of the posts so far. i completely agree with the beach boys suggestion. i know i make this suggestion all the time, but seriously there's one band that mastered the pop song: The Carpenters. "top of the world" and "it's going to take some time" clock in right at 3min, but there are others.
  3. I saw him last night, and yeah, agree completely!
  4. that didn't add to your grocery shopping experience. i would probably buy a lot of useless food if wilco were played at my grocery store.
  5. myspace=bad design facebook=nice design
  6. I heard them in a music shuffle before a Roseanne Cash concert once as well.
  7. There's probably a thread somewhere about this, but it's always fun to be out and about and next thing you know the sound of wilco is wafting through the air. went to lunch at chipotle with a colleague and when we walked in we were greeted by the usual lunch crowd and "when the roses bloom again". it made my lunch that much better.
  8. here's some camaraderie for jenna. when i was in elementary school my last name was Hunt. when i started junior high it changed to Kennedy (step-parent adoption reasons not because i got married at 13 or anything). imagine the clever combination someone came up with on that one.
  9. i joined the VC group on facebook too. now the challenge to figure out who's who. EDIT: ok, now that i actually read the wall, not so much of a challenge i guess. but fun!
  10. tonight's the night! only a couple more hours til Neil!!!!
  11. this happens to me in itunes all the time. that's the only time i buy on itunes, when i am buying bad music and usually only one song. i have the worst taste according to the itunes recommendation engine.
  12. happy birthday neil! see you on thursday!
  13. things wrong with this country: regular coffee that masquerades as decaf.
  14. i was about to say, you know, jeff doesn't always have a beard, and one can certainly make some adjustments in their dreams...
  15. really??? then again, i think we put too much value on one person's job/talents over another with no substantiated basis behind it. you see this in most professions. [there was an agency i worked for once. I got to attend the retirement party of John Young, the longest serving astronaut in US history. At one point during the tributes, someone asked all of the astronauts in the room to stand up, I was awestruck and commented to a colleague how lowly my job was compared to the folks that got to ride the rocket. she pointed out to me that my job was just as important to the mission as that of
  16. oh yeah, right, they were there to learn the new X-ray features that have been added to Photoshop Extended. the instructor did say there were forensics features and medical/x-ray features in there. that's what it was...my bad. sorry, i completely blanked on making that connection. i'll retract my gripe...
  17. really? but if the star actor has no good lines to recite...
  18. so speaking of cellphone annoyances, i'm not a fan of the whole jamming of cellphones, although, if someone could come up with a way to jam the actual ringing of cellphones in situations like movie theaters, classrooms, etc, i could get behind that. i was in a seminar today, all day long kind of thing, one of those semi-pricey spend three days in a stuffy room with total strangers so you can learn all sorts of new computer tricks and then go home and forget them because you don't have a computer at the seminar...i digress...packed room, day long, i swear i heard at least 4 cell phones go of
  19. i wonder what kind of care/treatment would have been available to him if he hadn't come into the US of A. i also wonder what circumstances have caused such a large influx of illegal immigrants coming into the US of A. my guess is if we (as a country) collectively look at those circumstances and begin working on changing them, then that might help something.
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