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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. The camel isn't "up" anywhere.
  2. Yes and yes! And as someone mentioned already, it's hard to tell with the dromedary blocking it on the cover, but Wilco is written in the Mader's font. Man, I love that this is all in Milwaukee. Not quite my hometown, but close enough. I like it, but it it so different in tone from the last three albums.
  3. Wait, there's a president of Pitchfork? I don't know why I find that concept so hilarious, but I do.
  4. Hi there! There's already been some discussion of the fan photo shoot and props on here, so I don't think you've done any "spoiling." We'd love to hear more about your experience when and if you'd like to share. I don't know if we really have a timeline for the potential cover art to be made public - from statements the band has made, it sounds like the art was one of the sticking points for this album, so it's probably already later than usual. As far as I know there was no guarantee they were going to use photos from the fan shoot, but that it was one of the strong possibilities. I'm
  5. Aha, that's the title I couldn't remember! Thanks for the track titles. I'm so excited for this. I heard the live versions of some of these and really liked them. "Hazel Black" is damned catchy.
  6. Oh, awesome! I would assume it'll be available in other ways eventually, but I can't wait for reports.
  7. Paste reported that the response came via an email exchange with Wilco's publicist.
  8. Haven't seen anything yet, but Bic Runga did confirm a double CD.
  9. I guess this will probably mean no upcoming Wilco benefit for Jay: Wilco ex-member sues frontman Tweedy
  10. I did this at the CN Tower in Toronto. It's pretty cool. (Not my feet)
  11. I can't believe I'm weighing in on this topic yet again. But! The first time there was any official mention of the song on Wilcoworld - and, I believe, in the original Smoking Section blog entry on RollingStone, it was Sonny Feeling. Then, for awhile on Wilcoworld, it was Sunny Feeling once a more complete tracklisting was posted. This was picked up in the slew of news stories about the new Wilco album's tracklisting around the start of last week, and perhaps the week before. For instance: http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/wilco-...003966287.story http://www.411mania.com/music/news/10
  12. No, it was never referred to as an outtake. Just a Woody Guthrie song they recorded.
  13. I donated, and realized after I clicked Donate that I somehow made the donation "in memory of" me. Not a great omen! But I love the way they put this out there.
  14. It hasn't, actually, since the first report of song titles - but now it seems to be. Fans of parallel structure will also be pleased that Wilco (the song) now mimics Wilco (the album). Unless it's revised in a day or two.
  15. Talking points, people! Someone can keep clicking on the Nonesuch page to wait for audio samples and artwork.
  16. Some actual album-related things: * The band seems very excited about it (probably true of any new release) * There's a song called Dark Neon that appeared and disappeared from the Wilcoworld tracklisting, and will likely be an extra track or B-side or something of that sort (perhaps like Let's Not Get Carried Away?) * Besides Rolling Stone, some people heard the album at the start of the month at one of the private charity shows Jeff does. This was discussed in After the Show. * Per the David Fricke interview with John at Jazzfest (secondhand for me; I think it was reported either in
  17. Glenn's going to have a lot to answer for this summer!
  18. I take issue with your grammar here. Unless...
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/karen-dalton...s_b_191990.html
  20. I've always been a namer of things. Fisher Price Little People, Barbies, Christmas ornaments, my TI-85, our family cars. Coming from that perspective, it's hard for me to understand passing up the chance to uniquely name something that actually needs a title. Thinking about this as the conscious decision it clearly was, though, it's pretty interesting. Especially as a band's seventh album. Reports indicate John mentioned that it fits in with the album artwork, but it's not like album artwork just appears out of nowhere and dictates an album title. It's a pretty bold statement, if you
  21. Wishful thinking? I think I just wanted there to be another title. Thanks for the report, Paul. Walken as an opener, nice!
  22. Can't we call a self-titled album whatever we want? Wilco the Album sounds right to me. Or everyone will refer to it according to the cover art.
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