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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. From the Minneapolis Star Tribune, an interview with Jeff and more Q&A.
  2. Yes, I am in total agreement. When I spend a lot of time with a song, I'm often rewarded. You just have to pick your battles. I do the same thing with books all the time. See: Thomas Pynchon. Maybe if I ever make myself finish one of his books I'll think it's wonderful... By the way, it required no effort at all for me to enjoy Wilco (the album).
  3. Well, obviously. This doesn't mean that albums you didn't feel compelled to listen to again wouldn't have someday wound up as favorites. That being said, I do take issue with the "listen harder" argument simply because life's too short to put a ton of effort into liking something if you just aren't that interested. There's plenty of music out there; listen to what makes you happy.
  4. Try Wilco's ride-sharing program, Passenger Side: http://apps.facebook.com/carpool/v2/ride/add?event_page_id=64&WILCO-_-PASSENGER-SID=true
  5. Yet I have a feeling you're not going to be on this one for much longer. But feel free to take a look at this thread and decide if you want to clean up any of your posts. Via Chicago Rules and Regulations
  6. Oh no, John's name is misspelled! Let's hope this isn't the final final draft. Conflicting evidence of August 17th and August 24th release dates, at least in the UK and NZ.
  7. Updated cover art, with an album title and some shuffling of photos. Spencer's now got a stamp. (The monkey is a watermark, I believe, not part of the actual album cover.)
  8. Holy crap! That's a shame. I suppose it's an authentic ballpark experience...
  9. I knew it! Damn the internet. I'm glad you're an enthusiastic fan of music, and I'm glad you enjoyed the Wilco show. Beyond that, I really am going to send you a message, and we'll begin with the typos. Cheers, sir, and welcome to Via Chicago.
  10. It's not even that! It's as if he almost grasps English ... but not quite. Which doesn't have anything to do with the show. It's a shame when curfew cuts into things, I know. It's probably tough with an outdoor (?) venue close to a residential area. Maybe Eminem will come to the show in Royal Oak.
  11. This review is ... something: http://www.examiner.com/x-4555-DC-Live-Music-Clubs-Examiner~y2009m7d9-Wilco-at-Wolf-Trap-review-782009 After reading that, I looked up previous reviews by the author. I was not disappointed. Wow. (I know that now it'll turn out he's on Via Chicago. I'm sorry!) (Seriously, he describes David Byrne as "wide-eyed and bushy.")
  12. I have it on good authority that in the context of the song, you probably shouldn't search for too much hidden meaning. But do you hear the synthesizer part right after it? Makes me smile every time now.
  13. I'm glad they kind of woke Glenn up for the band photo on the first page.
  14. Linked in the review thread - trying to keep discussion in one place. Thanks for the full text.
  15. It was after L.A. - the next day, in fact. (Thread here.) Glad it was such a fun time, guys! Even if my unused ticket is still on a kitchen counter somewhere.
  16. New York Times (to appear in Sunday's Arts & Leisure section): http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/arts/music/05carr.html?hpw "Torture-Free but Still a Rock Star" I love this part "Curled up in a large wicker chair by the pool, Sam said he liked the new record “a lot.” When it was suggested that he probably would not say otherwise on Father’s Day, he made eye contact for the first time. “I probably would,” he said."
  17. I added "spoiler" to title of the thread.
  18. Not a rumor - it's on the website now. http://wilcoworld.net/news/appearances.php July 14th.
  19. They also played six from the new album on the last night in L.A. Thanks for the report, P. I love those summer shows with a backyard vibe.
  20. Merged! There was already a thread about this, and the answer to your question is below:
  21. Ha. No, there were no guests on stage for Spiders. I think JB was out of town. Bobb Bruno did lend a percussion hand at the end of the night, though!
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