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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. From Wilco's Show Info and Policies page on their website: wilco does permit audio taping and trading of live performances wherever it does not conflict with venue or other restrictions beyond our control. we do not allow direct soundboard patches. we also do not allow videotaping. wilco supports the free trading of live recordings for non-commercial purposes.
  2. Are those pats of butter in the Jell-O salad?
  3. Tamala, I like that I can just see the "ive" of your Bon Iver shirt. If I wait long enough to post in show threads, I can just concur with other people's posts! I had a great time at this show. I loved hearing "Just a Kid" and "Simple," of course, but more than any particular setlist choices, I loved the energized atmosphere. Say what you will about the UIC Pavilion, but there's a certain quality of excitement that just isn't present in a small club or a theater. I enjoyed seeing the arena rock side of Wilco for a change.
  4. Perhaps this was an example of something playing differently up front than it did further back, but tongues were firmly in cheeks.
  5. $55 (USD) is definitely not the norm for Wilco tickets, and I thought the Savannah tickets were $35.
  6. It's happened. Plus Sleater-Kinney. To be honest, Wilco has come through with most of my fantasy bills. Andrew Bird, Bon Iver (though I didn't see any of those), Fleet Foxes, Liam Finn, Calexico, Califone...
  7. Ha! That movie is all kinds of crazy. I was in equal measures in love with it and terrified by it as a little kid. Mostly love. But those wheelers? AHHHH.
  8. Garth Hudson played with Wilco once at Massey Hall, a few years ago.
  9. I don't think this gets at why people who take photos at shows take photos at shows.
  10. Yeah, a lot of things should be able to go unsaid. But, here we are. As everyone has pointed out, you can't reliably enforce "some pictures, but not too many, and also no video." It's either alter the official policy if it's worth it to do so, stop caring, or keep caring and keep bringing it up. Option two is easier said then done.
  11. Changing the policy would definitely help, making it easier for security to address anyone with a camera. If you really wanted to go that route. Nothing short of an anti-video force field is going to eliminate the problem entirely.
  12. There are valid arguments and opinions on both sides, as far as the whole philosophy of taking pictures. I agree: in this context, it just matters what the band prefers. It's up to them to figure out the best way to make that preference a reality (which seems like what Jeff has been trying to do, with limited success).
  13. Ah, sorry I missed that - I was thinking of the original post in the thread.
  14. It's kind of funny that this thread talks about the band being predictable live, and also cites the Memphis show and reviews (talking about the crowd, not the setlist) ... without bringing up the fact that they debuted a song (non-acoustic) and busted out a Big Star cover at that show. They really can't win. As for the dream studio scenario, hey, who knows?
  15. Glenn and Liam, Red Wine Bottle In the Street
  16. Yes, the pit at this show was an entity in and of itself. So much going on, most of it not good. But the aspects of the show that people on stage actually had control over were great. I wasn't taking any pictures for most of the show (thereby not ruining too many of my memories with an imperfect medium) but I did break out the camera for some of the guest turns. I definitely saw a lot of pictures (and more) being taken up front, but I should have a few decent ones to share. By the way, the gold lamé shirt made an appearance in Memphis during the opening set, sported first by EJ and then
  17. They covered In The Street with Jody Stephens on drums, and John and Pat doing their best combined Chris Bell on lead vocals. I don't think I've ever been so surprised at a Wilco show. It was amazing! Also, Country Disappeared! Major highlight for me. Cinnamon Girl, too, during Liam and EJ's set. What a crazy night.
  18. Taking on new valet duties all the time...
  19. Nice, so there's maybe a tiny bit of hope for tonight? Two nights in a row might be pushing it, I realize. I hope someone took pictures of the gold shirt.
  20. I looked that place up, and isn't the hockey rink something like 5600 capacity? Seems a little big for Wilco in Halifax.
  21. Wilco has never played PEI, but they came close with the New Brunswick and NS dates in 2006. I have been there, and would love an excuse to go back. Probably not in February, though.
  22. Hooray for Madison becoming part of Canada/the PacNW!
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