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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. I find myself needing to edit a photo - which contains a soda can - to make the can all one color. Basically, I need to edit out any brand-identifying information and graphics ... which means making it a single color. A long time ago I had a Windows photo-editing program with which I could have made a go of it, but all I have now is iPhoto (no) and a free editing program called Gimp, which seems cool but I have no idea how to use. Is there any kind soul out there who would either be able to walk me through this step-by-step, or - if you're an editing whiz - actually do the edits? I have a feel
  2. I can understand being bummed the band hasn't played a full show in Philly in a couple of years. (The Evening With show was great, though!) But as for last night's show, I can't complain. It was a festival, so the setlist is what it is. Wilco had a 75-minute slot; I'm not sure how much leeway bands have to demand fest sets of a certain length. Jeff joked about trying to fit as many songs in as they could, like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. They played a lot of the better-known songs that get enthusiastic reactions from a wide range of people, heavy on the album they're promotin
  3. Ooh! Is this a follow-up to The Magicians? I've read some of the same books as gogo, in part because I'm shameless Goodreads stalker. Whenever someone marks a book as read (especially if they rate it 4 or 5 stars), I check it out to see if I want to read it too. God, I love my library. Most best-sellers take a couple of months to get here, too, but I put a ton of books on hold at the library and then just wait for them to start rolling in. It's like my library Netflix queue. Sometimes it creates an unexpected book logjam (bookjam?) but usually I have a good enough mix of new and not-new t
  4. The ticket now has a good home. Thanks!
  5. I have a single pit ticket to sell for the Camden show. It's a hard ticket, so I'd either need to express mail it in the next couple of days or we can meet up at the venue. Selling for $55, which is face value minus service fees. Let me know if you'd like to attend or upgrade! Email: bmkout-test at yahoo.com
  6. There's a thread for that! ...although it was started so long ago that most of the photos no longer show up. Boooo!
  7. P, you were missed! I enjoyed the Congregation. Their set was a nice way to start things off: high energy, soulful vocalist, and excellent horns. They did a funky cover of "I Wanna Be Your Dog," which was a lot of fun. I wonder if, had they been touring with Wilco for a longer stretch, they would have tried to figure out a way to bring the horns in on a Wilco song or two. I also thoroughly enjoyed Andrew Bird's set. You might not expect it based strictly on albums, but in my experience he's always been awesome at outdoor festival-type shows. It was great hearing "Anonanimal" for the first time
  8. Fun show last night; I'm glad there were less fisticuffs than 2007. I loved hearing "Dreamer" again, and it sounded a little bit more ... together ... than it did Night 2 at Red Rocks. (Where it was also awesome! Don't get me wrong.) It was nice to hear "Can't Stand It" and "Country Disappeared" as well. Not to concentrate solely on the rarities - the crowd really seemed to appreciate "Impossible Germany" and "Handshake Drugs," too, judging from the amount of frenzied dancing around me. Geneva would be a perfect place to whip it out! (...waiting for bböp...) It's a contractual thing.
  9. This was my second trip to Red Rocks, and it was as gorgeous as I remembered. The views were incredible in the park during the day, and at the show each night I would sometimes become distracted by the enormous slab of glowing rock to my left. When the wind kicked up, especially last night, the hanging "ghost" lights waving back and forth behind the band looked beautiful. I had a great time both nights, but I'd personally give the edge to Saturday for "Dreamer in my Dreams" alone. God, I love hearing that song. (Nice job, ditty!) The shows were great, but so was spending time with so many fr
  10. The subject matter sounds interesting but that has got to be the laziest format ever for a book! I mean, I wish I could write books by just rounding up a bunch of emails I've sent people. Then again, a dollar each for kindle is very affordable. I'd love to do what they did.
  11. Enjoy Game of Thrones, gogo! I think that first book is the best. I'll probably keep reading the others as long as Martin keeps churning them out, but things are getting way out of hand. Just finished Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman: I never really knew Scientology's history, exactly what's involved, and what these people actually believe. Or what a complete nutjob psychopath L. Ron Hubbard was. Holeeee crap.
  12. I have never seen any other shipping option for a Wilco Front Gate presale than $12 UPS. It does indeed suck. I miss Music Today, which had a cheaper USPS option.
  13. Dammit! Okay, there's enough room in a show for them to play both W(ta) and SBS back to back. And I can remain the loudest cheerer for Shake It Off. Sounds like this was an interesting venue. Gravel?
  14. I saw them when he posted them yesterday, so it didn't take too much sleuthing prowess. But thanks! And um, thanks for the facial hair report? Maybe? Is that like the JB H&P report? I wish Wilco would play W(ta) from start to finish some night. I would be the loudest cheerer for "Shake it Off."
  15. Norton Wisdom's Facebook. He has pics of the front and back, as well as a picture of Nels with the guitar.
  16. Hey P, any chance Nels's guitar had art from Norton Wisdom?
  17. Seau's death means that 8 of the players on the SD Chargers' 1995 Super Bowl team are now gone. I had no idea. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl--junior-seau-s-death-further-saddens-his-1995-chargers-teammates.html
  18. I am really glad I brought the term "circle wank" into this whole deal. It's got legs!
  19. Sure, Dunja, I get that. That's another reason the threads got to feeling a little weird.
  20. Speaking from personal observation, it seems that in recent years the living room show threads can become ... erm ... a bit of a circle wank? People who attended post, and nobody else (aside from a handful of folks, perhaps) really seems to care too much. There's also the fact that many attendees don't frequent Via Chicago - either never have, or don't anymore. And these days people have so many social networking venues for communicating amongst themselves. That's not to say that some groups won't or shouldn't post here about their shows! But maybe insight into why some don't.
  21. This is one of my favorite weekends too, and this year was no exception. Too many highlights to mention them all, but I was really happy to hear "Watch Me Fall" for the first time. (Ever!) (Kidding.) "Bull Black Nova" is so wonderfully creepy solo. And I love the resonator guitar, in general. Thanks again, Tweedys!
  22. I have not seen the clip, but it was probably recorded for an exhibit at a Chicago museum (or cultural center?) back around 2003 or 2004. My memory of it is very fuzzy, but the piece included a lot of people discussing their dreams, projected onto the walls.
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