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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. i don't, but if you have netflix and an xbox 360, they are offering it on the instant view selection.
  2. Why would this break up wilco? Jeff has been in side bands since the beginning of wilco. I think, if anything, it's good for wilco. Without Loose Fur we probably wouldn't have albums like yhf or agib.
  3. every time i think i've heard everything there is to hear on this album, something else reveals itself. it is so amazingly great.
  4. an underrated Waits album. maybe my 3rd or 4th favorite of his.
  5. i need to get mine uploaded. i'm not super pleased with this. i don't have much music on my computer, it's mostly just what i've been listening to lately, and i'm quite lazy. but it's not bad.. i want some sugar in my bowl - nina simone express yourself - charles wright & the watts 103rd st. rhythm band flocks I - collections of colonies of bees heartbeats - the knife unlikely japan - wilco helen - horse feathers pale blue eyes - the velvet underground swing that tambourine - kristoffer ragnstam the park - bon iver (bad quality, but good performance) die - iron & wine two weeks - g
  6. have you listened to summerteeth? that's pop. keep listening to the album though. it's a grower for sure.
  7. hmmm, if i were a ranking gentleman, i'd say: one wing bull black nova sonny feeling i'll fight (it's just SO damn catchy) deeper down wilco you never know you and i solitaire country disappeared everlasting everything
  8. why's it dumb? it's just opinion. ps - how about not participating? that seems like a reasonable solution to not be in a "dumb" conversation.
  9. Maybe your one wing will turn into two wings.
  10. right now: Summerteeth Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Being There A ghost is born Wilco AM i love em all, but i've been listening to Summerteeth more than I ever had and it's really opened up for me.
  11. i think just make whatever cd/mix you were going to make anyway...if you look at what they like, then they probably aren't going to hear something new.
  12. i'd love to do cd. sadly my burner is broken. so i'll stick to sendspace. let's do this!
  13. when are they playing letterman? i thought i saw something on the website about it..
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