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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I agree--absolutely great review. I love how you convey the sense of what the songs and Jeff mean to you personally. "I go by feel." Yes!
  2. About banter, I'm curious whether Jeff has made any mention of having signed up on Twitter. So far, it looks like his Twitter account is going to be mostly business/promotional in nature, but I'm still really bemused by the profile pic they've chosen--at least for now. I'm interested in hearing what, if anything, he says about it at shows.
  3. There's a thread about it on here. No one seems to know whether it's a scam or for real. I still think it would be a good idea to post something about it on Twitter: @JeffTweedy
  4. Just a thought. Why not try posting something over on Jeff's Twitter account? Just go to @JeffTweedy.
  5. Riiiight. That's the first thing I noticed too.
  6. Yes, and there are ways to make hotel lodging very affordable too. For one thing, I don't know where this $400/night info comes from, but I've never heard of anything like that, and I've been to all 3 previous festivals. Yes, lodging is tight--it's a small town and there are limited lodging options within a 7-8 mile radius, but I've never heard of any places charging more than about $250/night, and most are in the $200/night range. If you're willing to be flexible, find roommates and you cut your expenses in half (or in fourths, if you cram 4 people in a room like I've done!)It's just a place
  7. I think he just signed up yesterday. Check out that profile pic! Just yesterday it was a tasteful TWEEDY and now. . . umm. Either Jeff is playing around with his image or Spencer is messing with him. Either way, hot stuff! Jeff Tweedy@JeffTweedy This account is run by Jeff Tweedy HQ. Tweets direct from Jeff are signed JT and from Spencer, ST. wilcoworld.net
  8. Oh, it sounds like a fantastic show. I can just imagine how all their hearts must have been filled to bursting to have been together in that theater tonight. What an experience!
  9. There's no way to know, of course, but in DC the line started at around 2:00.
  10. I'm glad you posted that, but it was from Louisville, not DC. I think the DC crowd did a much better job. I've been looking everywhere, hoping someone captured that so I could relive it.
  11. I'm so with you both on this. There was such a great spirit in that room tonight. . . well, last night. This was really one for the record books. The venue was perfect for them too--reminded me a lot of the Vic. I hope to get on here and gush more specifically later, but it's good to know we share the feeling that the stars were aligned tonight.
  12. I love having these new songs available to find a place in my head so when I hear them live they mean more.
  13. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down, Linclink. It's what i listened to about 4 times on the road from Norfolk to DC yesterday. It gets better and deeper with each listen. Won't Jeff be happy to see all of us singing along to this brand new stuff? :-)
  14. He might've been a little preoccupied with writing 20 new songs, cocooning indoors during the coldest Chicago winter in years, putting together a new band and taking care of his wife. I don't know, maybe those things seemed a little more compelling than hitting the gym. Smh.
  15. I completely agree. Jeff is a very confident man. It's understated, but he totally has the courage of his convictions and seems fearless to me.
  16. I love that this is a very civil discourse and that no one is starting flame wars. I like to think that Wilco fans are above all that. I don't pretend to have too much objectivity where Jeff is concerned--he could take a dump on the stage and I would assume there was artistic intention there somewhere!--but I enjoy reading respectful, well-reasoned critiques, no matter what the perspective.
  17. First off, I wasn't there, so obviously my comments are theoretical in nature. But I can imagine that everything jojomapa says is completely true and I still can also imagine that it would have been a very satisfying show For a big fan. From the descriptions of the songs it would seem that having a band with the firepower of Wilco could be almost distracting. Is it possible that the spare sound of this band might be what Jeff had in mind given the nature of the songs?
  18. I have J106 and P107. Hard copy tckets bought in the presale. I just decided I HAD to have 2 together and right up front, so I just bought off the evil Stubhub. so this leaves me with these two still very good seats which I will be willing to sell below face. Actually $30 each or $50 for the pair. I will be at the event and can pass them to you there. If interested, please PM me or email me at dkyrus@gmail.com.
  19. He played Kicking Television at the charity show at the Vic on 2/15/14. He made some typically self-deprecating remarks about how it wouldn't sound good solo, and of course he then proceeded to absolutely kill it.
  20. What a great way of putting it. That's how I feel too, even without having heard the show. I'm so glad that Jeff still has that restless, creative energy and I'm fully on board for the ride. I may or may not fall in love with all this new music immediately, but I wholeheartedly trust Jeff's instincts and taste. SO happy for all of you lucky people who got to experience the first show!
  21. Ya vol. But it's all I could find. Hoping somebody here reads German.
  22. A friend told me about this. Good news for non-US fans! http://www.rollingstone.de/news/meldungen/article586665/rolling-stone-weekender-2014-jetzt-auch-mit-iron-amp-wine-the-undertones-jeff-tweedy.html
  23. You don't hear Leave Me Like You Found Me? I do.
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