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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Go to wilcoworld.net and enter your requests. I wouldn't think any of these would be sure bets unless you stuff the ballot box, though.
  2. Looks like in the past Sue has posted something on this site in January or February.
  3. I just watched it again and it's absolutely mesmerizing. It's amazing to have such close-up footage--the visuals really help convey the intensity. Sergio Ramshackle, you hinted that you have more???
  4. I'm thankful for my sister. Although it shocks me to say that, considering that we get along like cats and dogs. But when it comes right down to it, she knows I'd always be there for her if she needs anything, and she has always been there for me. When you have a small family with few people left in it, it's good to remember the people it's easy to take for granted. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful, Donna.
  5. As usual, I'm all over the place with Christmas. I used to enjoy it immensely when I was the kid on the receiving end of all the presents and attention. Then as I grew up, got married and divorced and didn't have kids of my own, it started seeming less relevant and more of a hassle. My only sibling had two children and it was fun to be with them on the holidays when they were kids, but they're grown up and have moved away. Both of my parents died a long time ago, and my sister and I get along about as well as we did when we were kids, which is to say, not at all. (We're fine as long as we stay
  6. Ooh, this bodes well for the upcoming Tweedy shows with Scott McCaughey opening. I was figuring there would be some collaborations anyway but now it seems certain. Also, wouldn't it be funny if Jeff comes out during Scott's opening set and they sang Ballad of the Opening Band together? I'll bet that happens.
  7. It is a stunning performance. There's no way, unfortunately, to keep the rawness and freshness going forever. Time marches on and you write new songs or take a break and the old songs feel new again.
  8. I clicked on the PDF link that shows a few sample pages from the book and damn! I know literally nothing about reading music or playing drums, but if I did, I can imagine I would find this stuff fascinating. There's a lot going on in that pretty noggin of Glenn's.
  9. Starting now, and through Friday at noon, everything is 25% off, including Roadcase recordings. Posters are 40% off. Go get 'em!
  10. Yes, what a very Don Draper-like question.
  11. Mikael just posted on Facebook: "Day 10/10 of working on new @wilco material. To be continued... " Accompanied by a picture of the Neve. Yessss!
  12. I haven't completely lost my marbles! Yes, I'm doing a 4-night run starting at UC Davis and finishing at Santa Barbara, but I'm also visiting my niece who lives in San Francisco, getting to spend time with Wilco friends old and new, and planning a fun roadtrip from SF to Santa Barbara along the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway. With an airfare less than $300 and a free place to stay, is that such a crazy vacation plan? And Scott McCaughey is definitely a nice addition.
  13. But what do I know? I never listen to any of that stuff.
  14. What a fun interview. I loved their comments about Dylan and the Americanarama tour. Sounds like MMJ and Wilco just decided to make it a Rolling Thunder-ish tour with or without Bob's participation. Good for them!
  15. I'm with you on skunk. Not overpoweringly strong, mind you, but when you just get a passing whiff, it smells all earthy and wild and I love it. Another smell I love is vinegar. It makes me salivate, thinking of North Carolina style barbecue.
  16. Oddly enough, VC board member HolyShit was actually my roommate for the first year of Solid Sound! Along with our esteemed moderator Kidsmoke and her son Brennan. A cozy little group we were.
  17. Yes, or another Sunken Treasure-like DVD. I have a feeling something special is in the works for the LA shows. It's so unusual to play a 4-night run at the same tiny theatre. There must be something up his sleeve!
  18. One of my peak concert experiences was seeing Bruce at a small, 2500-seat concert hall in Norfolk, VA, just before Born to Run was released, on August 2, 1975. (I had to look it up.) I was vaguely familiar with Greetings from Asbury Park and Wild/Innocent, and I had heard there was a big upcoming album, so I dragged my sister to the show at Chrysler Hall. This is the kind of venue that generally hosts symphonies and Broadway shows--fancy seats, mahogany, chandeliers, etc. We went in with no particular expectations, but we were of course totally blown away. Nobody was in their seats from the ve
  19. Depending on how far away the venue is for you, I would certainly reconsider. I wouldn't think twice if it was a hour or so. They're a very enjoyable band and it's cool to see John and Pat in a non-Wilco setting. Plus, it will probably be an intimate experience. Why not go?
  20. Hear, hear! But damn, it was too close for comfort. It was also one of the nastiest races i ever remember. Absolutely obscene to think of how much money was spent in campaign ads. I really think there's a crying need for campaign finance reform. When you think of all the money that's spent in political campaigns that could be going toward something productive, it just makes me want to puke.
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