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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Paul has got to provide this board with his itinerary. We are obviously incapable of assuming the burden of accurate reporting. I know I was sweating bullets at the Americanarama show in Virginia Beach thinking it might fall to me to report the set list. I was relieved to find out Paul was there, leaving me free to just enjoy the show!
  2. Didn't take too long. Airline tickets: check. Car reserved: check. There better be some pretty tickets with my name on 'em on Wednesday!
  3. I am so conflicted now! If I'm flying all the way out to CA from VA for the Dec. 11 and 12 shows in San Francisco, why would I not add on Davis the night before and beautiful Santa Barbara the night after? But that's 4 nights of Jeff Tweedy in a row. Will he get tired of seeing my mug?? (I don't think I'll get tired of seeing--and hearing--him.) Decisions, decisions. . . .
  4. Thanks Sandy and Ditty! The good news is that, especially with the presale, I won't be biting my fingernails and sweating bullets getting tickets. The bad news, of course, is I'll spend two days of a San Francisco vacation lining up in front of a theater rather than enjoying the city. Oh well. I do so much prefer the energy of a standing show, even for solo Jeff.
  5. I've never been to the Fillmore in San Francisco but it looks to be all general admissionon on the floor, with some seating upstairs. Does anyone know--or have a good idea--of how they'll be selling the floor tickets? I assume it's going to be all GA but I thought they might do something like the gold circle tickets at the Vic. Just trying to get prepared for the moment they go onsale on 9/15. Also, any hint of a presale?
  6. More dates to be announced soon, according to a very reliable source who posted on my FB page. No notion of timeframe other than "soon" and no idea where the tour will go geographically, but we definitely have more dates to look forward to!
  7. Vince Gilligan hasn't let us down yet. In fact, the writing is so full of twisty-turny surprises--and not contrivances--that I have faith they'll do us proud for the last few episodes as well. As you said, Mr. Heartbreak, I'm just enjoying the ride!
  8. Come on East Coast!! Virginia would be just swell, but all I'm asking for is just a little teensy bit closer to home. Then again, my niece in San Francisco really needs to see her auntie again. . . .
  9. Jeff is the baby of the family, but I believe Greg was the youngest of his three older siblings, so the closest in age to him. I'm sure this was a big loss. "Please Tell My Brother" seems particularly resonant now. So sorry to hear this news.
  10. Welcome, mr_bellows. You've got a world of wonderful music to discover from this band. If you want some good starting points, go to their website www.wilcoworld.org, check out some live recordings for free on www.sooutoftune.org, poke through some threads on here, and most of all, go see them live as soon as you can!
  11. I don't know you, Tracy, but I feel connected to your heartbreak tonight. Thank you for sharing this shattering news with your Wilco family. It was a brave and thoughtful thing to do. I hope you're surrounded by people you love as you absorb this terrible loss.
  12. I'm celebrating the day you were born with a day at the beach with nothin' but you and Wilco as the soundtrack. Happy birthday to my favorite artist! Edit: OMG, a whole sixpack at the beach today. Got carried away with the JT birthday celebration.
  13. Sadly, no. I'm seeing Neutral Milk Hotel close to home on 10/12 so it's just not in the cards for me. But I think everyone else should go!!! Stubbs sounds like a good venue and you know there'll be good audiences in Austin.
  14. Glad to help! I thank Facebook for reminding me.
  15. Streaming right now from ACL http://www.youtube.com/user/AustinCityLimitsTV?v=MbrjRSjWWfY
  16. How is it immature, callous or unethical to have a vision for your band (or team, or work group--you name the context) and take actions to furthur that vision? Yeah, it's always sad to see someone lose a job, but sometimes you just don't fit in with the new direction that the group is heading in. Anyone who thinks Wilco is not Jeff Tweedy's creative vehicle is mistaken, in my opinion. Edit: Uncool2pillow, we "crossed in the mail"!
  17. Did you read the article? The title was deliberately provocative, I assume in order to cause people to read it. I don't think you'd find anything to argue with in the article itself, however.
  18. Yep, I can definitely see that. I think he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about the fact that the movie contains no music. He claims (vociferously!!) that he never wanted the music in there in the first place--that the whole point of the film was to convey the experience of being a fan of the band--but people always ask him whether he just couldn't get the rights to it. I know firsthand about this, since that was the first thing I asked him and I got quite the bristly reaction! Glad you enjoyed the film, though--I did too. It reminded me a lot of being a Wilco fan.
  19. To say he's passionate and opinionated would be the biggest understatement ever. I don't know him well but spent about an hour talking with him at breakfast--he and his wife were staying at the same B&B as my good friends, and they became improbably close buddies. He's a big fan of Husker Du and the Replacements, of course, and he's also involved with anti-cruelty for dogs--he's making a film about that now. He's written a few books and made some very odd movies. I found him a fascinating character with a true punk sensibility. He definitely came off as a bit of an egomaniac and a big talk
  20. At Solid Sound this year I met Gorman Bechard, who made the film "Color Me Obsessed" about fans' and critics' remembrances about the Replacements. He's a huge fan himself and posted this on his blog today--thought you all would find it interesting. Sure wish I could make it to one of the shows. "AUGUST 11, 2013 · 1:54 PM I’m seeing The Replacements in two weeks… Let me try to explain what that means to me. It would be like an extremely devout Catholic meeting the Pope. Like a Chicago Cubs fan not only seeing their team make it into the World Series, but sweeping the other team. Like a
  21. LOL! What a weird moment that was! I forget Jay's response to that one.
  22. I just got my actual copy of the magazine in the mail today. Maybe everybody else realized this already, but the article on live shows is actually the cover story, so it's especially nice to see the boys so high on the list. Yes, it would have been gratifying--and CORRECT--to see them crack the top 10, but still, #12 looks pretty good on the page. I had just assumed this was one of those online blog polls.
  23. You're right, of course, that he doesn't tour much, but I was just listening to Mule Variations in the car today and thinking that there is literally no one I would rather see live right now than Tom Waits. Everyone else that I love I've managed to see at least once over the years, but I've never seen Tom. So maybe it's the rarity factor that put him on the list--that and the fact that his live shows are legendary. Quality > quantity.
  24. Who you calling sick? Me, who sent messages to the 3 admins I'm friends with on Facebook the very morning it happened? We need to start up a VC outage support group.
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