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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Mumford and Sons last night with Dawes opening. Great show. Moving slow this morning though.
  2. I hope it's OK to revive this old thread, but I had never read all of it before and I'm thinking I may not be alone. I just spent about 2 hours down the rabbit hole and I feel more connected to Jeff Tweedy and this group of fans (I hate how silly that word sounds) than ever. This started when a friend was telling me earlier today about his migraines and I was looking for a link to the NY Times article by Jeff where he talks about his history that led to the stint in rehab. I found it (link on first page of this thread) and then started thinking that this board had probably discussed it aroun
  3. It's not that I disagree in principle with the idea that bands have artistic ups and downs--they do. All artists do, and many are never able to repeat the success they have with their very first outing. And I'll definitely agree that Wilco is not the band it was 10 years ago. My personal favorite, if forced to choose, is still AGIB. But I vehemently will not agree that it's a worse band--it's just a different band. Except for Jeff and John, it's a whole new band, with the common thread being Jeff's songwriting (words AND melody) and vision for how best to deliver those songs (musicianship an
  4. Oh please. "Formerly great band"?
  5. Well, since no one else seems to be jumping in to fill in the blanks, would you kindly do us the honors, bbop? Great Moth Incident? Good/bad/ugly banter? Since we can't all get out to see all the shows, it's those colorful little details that make me happy!
  6. But when I say "posted" I mean in a readily accessible format like youtibe or vimeo--not something one would need to download. Yes, Jeff's shirt is horrible, and some of those dance moves where he's wiggling his butt like a girl could be seen as embarrassing, but I love how loose and raw this show is. They were really feeling their oats and pushing the boundary between showmanship and pandering. I feel like this was a time when they were trying out what kind of an image they wanted to project. And of course they were very much aware that this was being filmed for HBO.
  7. This version looks better than anything I've seen posted. Plus there are some segments I haven't seen before, at least not in this sequence. Is there anyone currently on VC who was at this show?
  8. This is such a nice interview. John has always seemed like the sweetest, most down-to-earth guy, the perfect bass player personality. Rock steady and supportive but still enthusiastic and really enjoying himself.
  9. I didn't notice the show being any louder than usual, But I was right up front dead center on the rail (my favorite place) so my perspective was limited. Actually the sound levels and the mix sounded perfect to me. The setlist had so many of my favorite, somewhat rare songs (Magazine, Wishful Thinking, She's a Jar) that it will be one for the memory books for me, for sure. And the crowd was so happy and responsive. Before the show everyone where I was standing was exchanging stories about the first time they've seen Wilco, telling tales about North Adams (we had some very sweet and enthu
  10. Ain't it funny how time slips away?
  11. It's actually a very nicely organized download. I'm terrible at these things and I had no problem. Each track is separately labeled, and if you use something like itunes you can just save the whole show there.
  12. I've wondered the same thing. Even though it seems that most jackets would require dry cleaning, these must be wash and wear. Remember that Jeff has learned how to use the washing machine, keeping things clean, but I guess they get the laundry done after the show or before the show at the next night's venue.
  13. Ah, but we know they're going on a mini hiatus. And so I must cram in every possible show till then, to tide me over. Sorta like storing up nuts for the winter, diligent squirrel that I am.
  14. Also, Dawned on Me is a damned good song. It impresses me more every time I hear it. It's catchy, but not in a yucky way. And it showcases lots of the band's strengths.
  15. What a cute little moment between Jeff and Glenn at the start of Handshake Drugs.
  16. I had the nicest experience today. Went into the local independent gelato/smoothie place and was debating what to get, when I heard I'm Always in Love. I told the woman behind the counter that this was my favorite band, thinking she'd just nod her head and not know what was playing, but it turns out that she and her husband are big fans and just got back from seeing them in Charlottesville--this was a mixtape he had just made recently, heavy on the Wilco. We compared notes on what shows we'd seen in common (Richmond and Charlottesville seemed to be the only two, but they've been to several ove
  17. I gotta meet you one of these days. You're one of the few people who seems to celebrate this craziness. By the way--and this is embarrassing to admit--but it's really 13 if you count the 2 Tweedy solo shows in Chicago back at the end of March. Ye gods.
  18. I was starting to get the pre-post-concert blues, thinking that my incredible run of shows is coming to an end after Mass MoCA and Hartford next week. Then my darling niece, who lives in San Francisco, came home for a visit this weekend, and we searched for airfares from Norfolk, VA to SF and came up with $251 roundtrip on Delta! WTF? And she'll come with me for her first ever Wilco show? And it's all GA, so we have as good a chance as anyone of getting up front. How could I not do that?? So, against all logic and sanity, I'm in for 2 more shows at the Greek in Berkeley Sept. 21 and 22. Good
  19. There's an old youtube video of Jeff wearing a dress when he was playing with the Primitives: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vyhehN78cg. Maybe he can do that again?
  20. Hahaha. Well, OK, maybe not ALL his glory.
  21. I'm with you on this one. It seems almost painful to watch him in that hat and coat, and he's drenched by the end of the set. My only guess is that he's trying to hide a few pounds and a few less hairs, but I wish he'd trust us to love him no matter what. I want to see him clean-shaven with his hair loose and free, like it was back at the beginning of the tour in Tampa. And yes, please lose the jacket. It makes me hot just to look at it. Jeff, if you're reading this, bust out of that camouflage and let us see you in all your glory at Mass MoCA.
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