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Everything posted by junkiesmile

  1. Still love it. Trying not to listen to everyday but it will always be an album I come back to.
  2. Alice\Blood money and Orphans are a good place to start in my opinion. An eclectic mix of torch songs and far out songs . I love Tom and have all of his albums but if I had to I could survive with just these.
  3. This isn't relevant it's just sad, but ever since I read the news I can't get the song Solitaire out of my head.
  4. Wow. This is a shock. I just picked this up. I haven't been on the board all day. God bless Jay and his family. He had some beautiful music in him.
  5. I love CD. What the hell is wrong with this song that I'm not getting?
  6. Positive: Wilco came out with a new album and it's fu*kin great. I love every song. Negative: Once again it wasn't what I expected. They actually did it to me again, made a fu*kin album without asking me what direction I thought they should go in. The fu*kin nerve of these guys.
  7. I still love this album by the way. I can't stop listening to it. Not as artsy fartsy as AGIB or YHF just great pop songs JK about the artsy farsty thing but I really do love this album.
  8. Does Everlasting remind anyone else of Lennon's Across the Universe?
  9. 1. Via Chicago 2. She's a Jar 3. Kamera
  10. I wanted to read this whole thread before throwing in my two cents but it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I love the album. There's not a song on here that annoys me and they're all working their spidery tendrils up into my brain.
  11. My first love was Buddy Holly in elementary but in my high school years there were some embarrassing choices. Motley Crue, Poison, Faster Pussycat, Michael Jackson, Warrant, Ratt, you know RAWWWWK.
  12. MC Hammer had maybe two years of fame back in the late eighties. What monster exposed you to him when you were five or six?
  13. My hip is weak now, my darling So I'll have to sue Jeff Tweedy's ass.
  14. A cane promotion is my favorite line.
  15. I meant Jay Bennett. Who did you think I meant?
  16. Man that's funny. Due to your avatar, I can't help but picture Jay, with his dry sense of humor, saying everything that you post.
  17. I'm a huge fan being from Austin and all, but my all time favorite is.......(drum roll).........Metal Detektor. I always picture a gang of criminals traveling the south and robbing banks in slow motion, bullets flying, metal detector ringing as I'm walking through the door.
  18. Is that a joke Louie or are you getting impatient with all of the jocks and frat boys?
  19. After reading some of the early reviews for this album I have to say I'm pretty excited. I don't know if I'll be able to wait for the official release. Leak, leak, leak, leak......
  20. I agree. I still like the album. Hey, it's Wilco.
  21. If you go back and read my orignal post you'll see that I never said "I hate Nels or I hate the current line-up of the band" so stop attributing everything said in that thread to me. I was just pointing out the fact that contrary to some of the dvd reviews and other things written about the band these days Wilco did just fine without Nels. And I believe I'm entitled to post in this thread because I mentioned the DVD.
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