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Everything posted by KevinG

  1. We differ in the kind of tyranny that we will accept, mine is a tyranny that the government more strictly regulates the type of weapons that are available. Yours is a tyranny that allows the general citizenry to be treated like prisoners/criminals in public spaces.
  2. Well as far as pointless discussions go, looks like we will be turning to the gun debate again http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/01/lax-shooting-incident_n_4192370.html
  3. This is a threat, regardless of divorce or not. Going through a divorce does not give you license to threaten anyone. Yes putting a target on someones door is threatening and can be acted upon legally. I feel you are blinded by all the stuff that went on with the Martin case and you feel the need to defend him. I don't understand why. But the Kos article had links to other articles demonstrating why the liberal bias media is a myth. I could post others. The Right tends to bring up the bias myth when the media reports things they don't like or agree with. I have never said the m
  4. It is obvious that PBO lied on this one. I am truly bothered by it. However there is a flip side, which is not being acknowledged, what options are there for these people, are they better, are they worse? From the anecdotal evidence, most people are able to find better plans, but the media is not focusing on that, or really mentioning anything about options after being dropped. But I agree with John Smith, it is pretty crappy of insurance companies to give these letters or drop this on their customers now, when it could have been dealt prior. Or a heads up letter. Well too bad
  5. So ok millions, that does nothing to further my point. So they are being dropped, but are the plans they want actually cost them more in the long run? It seems like current news cycle is only focusing on part of the story. But of course the liberal media doesn't run a news story about the thousands of planes that landed safely today, they will only run a story on the ones that crashed.
  6. So with all the Benghazi talk recently I am surprised no one else here chimed in with any ACA talk. The big story is thousands of people are getting dropped from their current plans because they do not meet the ACA requirements. Which seems to go against the President's assertion that you can keep your current health insurance if you want to. So naturally there have been some individuals with this story featured on the news. However it seems that media refuses to fact check and follow up with these individuals. But the LA Times recently did http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-
  7. The Red Sox's year really showed the importance of good management and club house chemistry.
  8. "These Red Sox are getting ready to enjoy some cans of beer and play some 1990s pinball at that new secret ramen place!" —Judge John Hodgman
  9. Yes they have issues with your terminology, but I don't see them having issues with calling it terrorism.
  10. Is there anyone who is saying otherwise?
  11. So your happy with going after whomever with little or no facts, point fingers and laying blame? They would have had a stronger case and more effective in the eyes of the American people if they would have gathered the facts and then tried to figure out why and how to prevent it in the future. This line of thinking really amuses me. It makes it sound like the Administration denied it was terrorism and only if they would have admitted it 6 million people would have voted for Romney and he would have won. But a couple of things, PBO said it was terrorism on 9/12, Clinton also called
  12. Well said Don, this is exactly what I was trying to get at. The politics of the whole thing is really want amazes me. The GOP tried so hard to discredit the current administration and the presumptive 2016 nominee they didn't bother to try to find out what happened and solve the problem for the future. They were too busy pointing fingers.
  13. One of the best things I have read all day. Thanks for that.
  14. We should find out what went wrong and whose fault it is. What we shouldn't do is point fingers at a cover up that is not there. That is a failure of the GOP, they wanted the homerun, rather than play small ball.
  15. oh yeah, my bad. I wonder why there was so much in the news this weekend. 60 minutes had a thing on it. The right wing dude this morning was talking about it.
  16. I think things are turning to a status quo. Still a general level of dysfunction, but not in the forefront as they have been in the last couple of weeks. I do think there will be some Benghazi talk coming up as it the one year anniversary. But you know, as horrible as the event was and there may have been failings in the security leading up to the event, there was no cover up after. I wish the GOP would just let that go. You know the GOP politically are really stupid. They remind me of a big league slugger who each time at the plate tries to hit a home run, but swings at bad pitches
  17. My wife made an interesting point tonight. The Red Sox look like a bunch of meth addicts or child molesters (especially Clay Buchholz). I am all for the beards and team unity, but a trim would be nice.
  18. Radio King - Golden Smog. Though I am particular to Jeff Tweedy version from the 3/12/01 Guthrie Theatre Show in Mps.
  19. I agree, I hate it when an ump's call decides the game. As a cubs fan I don't want the cards to win.
  20. Well so far this series has been entertaining to say the least.
  21. I guess the same is true of others (not saying you in particular) saying it is going to hurt the economy and raise rates. The long term effect won't be know for times to come. In New York premimums look to be 50% lower BTW. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/17/health/health-plan-cost-for-new-yorkers-set-to-fall-50.html (yes I know this is from July and is hypothetical at this point) I also don't think I said it will do wonders for the economy and cure all of our ills, but I want to counter the point those who believe rates will rise because of ACA. And as a side note I would love to be
  22. Healthcare costs are already lower http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/report/2013/10/23/77537/the-affordable-care-acts-lower-than-projected-premiums-will-save-190-billion/ And single payer will never pass, nor will it ever be introduced. We have a government that can't even agree to pay the bills we have, let alone a new entitlement system.
  23. This is a problem with the Federal exchanges. Note the article did not mention any state exchanges. I would lay the blame for this on the governors and state legislators who refused to set up their own exchanges (which offer far more options and thus lower prices) and refused the Federal government medicaid money. These are people who want ACA to fail and want the higher costs. Yes, yes I do. See having more people in the system will reduce costs. One of the reasons why healthcare costs are so high is that people getting healthcare from the ER and not paying for the bills. Who pi
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