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Everything posted by keylime

  1. I'm 19, so I have time to change my mind/gain some confidence...my Mom didn't get her license until she was 37!
  2. I don't drive or plan on getting my license any time soon, I'm far too scared. Public transportation is good enough for now. I did drive my Dad's car once, when I was about 12. We were at a cottage and there was a small stretch of dirt road. He got out of the car, and told me to drive to the end of the road. He didn't tell me anything about how much pressure to put on the gas pedal....and I stepped on it really hard, turned the wheel for some reason, and went straight into a bush. I haven't driven a car (that isn't of the bumper persuasion) since. Hope this makes you feel better!
  3. I've actually never tried key lime pie...one day, perhaps! I often think about how much fun it would be as a dessert chef...and how much restraint you would need
  4. Breaking news- next Wilco album features Nels on the sitar... Thanks for the article!
  5. Awesome, that's Ken Jennings' blog! He's now officially my hero.
  6. keylime

    Vancouver date

    Wow I totally missed that, thanks
  7. keylime

    Vancouver date

    THAT'S INSANE!!!! I am so jealous. I would love to hear how it sounds live with this line up! Can you post the full setlist? I tried to find it, but to no avail...thanks!
  8. If I ever make it to Arizona, I'll do my best to go there. Hiking + desserts = a fantastic day. Actually, that was my yesterday- hiked the Bruce Trail in Orangeville, Ontario, then went and had some pie.
  9. I had some yesterday. It was amazing. What are all of your favourite desserts? Are they store bought? Have they been in the family for years? Are they only for special occasions? Bring 'em on!
  10. I am one of those people who is always in a state of worry, and in the odd times that I'm not worried, it worries me. Here are some of the things that have been on my mind most recently... I worry about what I'm going to do for the rest of my life...I don't know what's going to happen when I finish university. I worry about how much I longer I can convince myself that I don't mind being alone. I worry about the the state of the world. I worry that my relationship with my Dad will never be okay. I have always worried about what people think of me. It feels kind of good to see it
  11. I can't remember other people's reactions, and I was also kind of far back, but my heart was swelling as the feedback went on...I
  12. A couple of years ago I read an article on some guy who played Radiohead for a bunch of children and got them to draw while listening. They showed a drawing by some little girl, and it had the grim reaper and people jumping off cliffs or something...it was so creepy I just did a quick search and found the article: article And a closer look at one of the darker ones: picture I hope this time around the Radiohead-children pairing produces nicer results
  13. Nicely done! How did you go about getting tickets to the soundcheck, through a radio station or something?
  14. Wow. That sounds amazing...have tons of fun, both nights!!!
  15. My Dad can't stop talking about this reunion, but he heard somewhere that ticket prices for the Toronto show range from $70-$199....and he's debating whether or not to go. It sucks for him if he can't go, but I'm sort of relieved as I think he would have made me come with him, and I am not a fan.
  16. I quickly checked on Google...and according to the gross pictures- yes, yes they can. I hope Nels doesn't have this problem though...
  17. Yikes! Chicken pox is a bummer, I hope he doesn't have any in his mouth or on the bottoms of his feet...because that, my friends, is utterly dreadful. Feel better Nels!!!
  18. I loved that whole ACL performance, haven't seen it in a while. Thanks for that! Jeff's "um" is awesome in that video
  19. I adore the BJM, and I love DIG! I love Joel, he's awesome
  20. I'm not ashamed. P.S. jImMy JiMmY!- For a long time I read your name as "Jim Jiminy" (like Chim Chiminy, Mary Poppins style)...hahaha
  21. Garth Hudson played a couple of songs with Wilco in Toronto on October 9, 2004...which is kinda sorta close...
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