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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Conservatives ain't what they used to be.
  2. There is a difference between: 1. damaging our environment and 2. global warming caused by humans I am starting to feel like a misunderstood liberal making an appearance on Hannity & Colmes... Me: Sean, have you seen the documentary? Sean: NO, but I know it is a bunch of liberal propaganda, blah, blah Me: Well, maybe you should watch it, what will it hurt. Do you fear considering a different perspective? Sean: I know who I am, I don't need your leftist bomb throwing message!
  3. Inversely, would that mean individuals with a strong belief in the truth of Inconvenient Truth have been had as well? I stress, I am considering the ideas from this documentary. I did not go into detail of the documentary, maybe take a view of it and see what you think?
  4. What I gleaned from the documentary is the term "global warming" is distinct from the host of ills we have imposed on our environment. I strongly believe we are ruining our soil, water, and air w/ fossil fuel emissions (not Co2), chemical runoff from sewage and industrial farms, blowing up mountain tops, etc. Global warming now seems like a buzz, one liner, talking point if you will akin to al kie eda , the talleyban, evildoers, etc. I haven't checked the credentials of the scientists in the documentary but it was an awakening to a 'we've been had' moment. I do not believe that the Dems have
  5. Hey hombre, what is everyone else doing w/ the counterpoint? Green this, carbon tonnage that, we gonna all be gone in a hundred. What is that? Besides, I didn't say I 'believed' it, just that it was thought provoking.
  6. Wow, alongside American Idol, Boobie shows, and Elephant Face...it seemed pretty, like, scientific and stuff, you know what I'm sayin? Yeah, I need to seek out more scientists. My life has become engulfed w/ political jibberish. It will only become worse in the coming months, though.
  7. I am not full on with this, just considering it. I am watching this documentary with scientists (not Al Gore) and I feel this great burden of fear being lifted that me and you aren't causing global warming and the apocalypse that will ensue. I can't help but feel that Al saw the use of fear as a useful tool to push against the GOP. Yeah, I'm smoking again. This is not to say we still are not ruining our environment with chemicals and shit like that. Asthma, crap water, crap food, crap aesthetics. The documentary is called "The Great Global Warning Swindle". I downloaded from 'vuze' p.s
  8. Yeah, it frightens me when either side gets so defensive about their candidate that they can't laugh at them. He is a nerd. I saw him shooting baskets on some photo op. I could take him, easy...and I'm white. Don't tell anyone I said that, ok?
  9. Guinness is brewed in several places and the recipes are different, too.
  10. It seems we agree on a major issue. Subsidies in the hands of an established gov't - lobby fuckfest are killing the serfs.
  11. If anyone cares to revisit this. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles....aspx?source=nl
  12. Two different cans, prolly same shit, though. Why would you sell Milwaukee's Best and Old Milwaukee? You think there is a difference? I doubt it. Once again, the image. I would agree w/ your gramps. The Old Milwaukee can has retro cool appeal. The beast is not only shitty beer, but the can is ugly too.
  13. Raw milk is good for you if the process is done correctly. Babies, too. Any milk is bad for you if contaminated. Also, meat is injected w/ nasty shit to keep its color. It is rare (haha) to see meat turning brown in the cold case any more.
  14. I may be under the spell of a marketer, but it seems like the retro swill beers are better than the kings of beer. PBR, Old Style, Hamm's, Stag, etc. However, the idea that is good is nostalgic as most are made in the same brewery w/ the same shitty ingredients. One thing I will say is Milwaukee's Best is the nastiest shit ever made. There is no excuse to drink that crap.
  15. Just a recommendation. Blue Paddle is made with better ingredients. I believe you will appreciate it. Don't be afraid, try it.
  16. Michelob light? This is a joke, right? Perhaps try New Belgium's 'Blue Paddle' if you are looking for a domestic (gold) beer.
  17. So now the only American breweries are micros? Sam Adams is the largest? Will AB drop their attempts at stealing the craft market share w/ their lame attempts of dressed up swill? I'd have to think Inbev will just want the big piss lines... as they are more profitable since they use gmo corn as the bulk of fermentables. Welfare beer (tax payer subsidized). While I don't care for StL that much it is sad that the community will inevitably lose a piece of their community.
  18. Yer just envious of the toker in the avatar. Honestly, I don't hit the doobs much anymore, slows me down too much. So if I was high like Chuck Dickens, it would be even more miraculous for me to create a sentence with more than 5 words.
  19. I wonder what it is like to live without a soul?
  20. While I partly agree with 'walk the walk, talk the talk', Gore was able to spread the message about the destruction of our environment like no other. Although it is annoying to hear local newscaster talk about it and companies market it, 'going green' is now commonplace. Prior to Gore's film it was not like that. I've heard people mention Gore's house before kind of diverts attention away from the scientific understanding we have gain about our ecology. It is easier to dismiss his life rather than the knowledge.
  21. Anyone seen 11th hour? That is kind of scary. I side w/ 'we are ruining our planet'. Isn't that enough? Regardless of global warming, which is apocalyptic, we are slowly degrading human, plant, and animal life everyday. So let's get past the debate about whether global warming is real and start improving our quality of life.
  22. Kind of. Had tix to at least 3 of their shows, but always left after the first song or two. Went for the openers. Meat Puppets was one....can't even remember the others.
  23. Damn, this is wrong regardless of the two frames it is derived: 1) sarcasm- not nice to jest of another's death 2) Snow, a class act? he pimped all of the White House's lies.
  24. If it were implemented correctly the incentive to excel would be for you, your family, and community in relationships and l-i-v-i-n-g. As opposed to incentive to earn capital.
  25. Efficient market means supply and demand being close to equilibrium? It has been about 10 years since I've taken econ. I just typed several paragraphs to understand this...but it became circular. I'll just ask this: do you have an example, fictional or not, of an efficient market or market sector? And how do uninformed consumers screw up capitalism? Yes, the uninformed consumer readily buys more things due to lack of knowledge. Like someone who continues to buy dirt cheap shit that will not last long. Or buying a crappy model of car, known to have defects vs. another model that is rock so
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