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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. The combination of wood smoke, sweat, and deet on skin and hair.
  2. Hahaha. You are all correct. Also this: I go to concerts fairly regularly, but my local friends do not. So when they get their hormones all spinning and want to go to one, I'll go along, even if it's not my cup of tea. And, I've decided to be less judge-y and enjoy it for what it is-eye and ear candy.
  3. Justin Timberlake Make fun all you want. But I want to make it known, I'm not going for the music.
  4. So, I have an opportunity to see them next Wednesday. I'll be solo (my friends are lame, my husband can't schedule it), I think just a gentle nudge will be all it takes. Tickets are only $17!
  5. Yup. Opened with Rock and Roll!! Stellar!
  6. Phish in Hartford. I wasn't planning on going, but a friend offered some executive suite tickets. I couldn't say no.
  7. Anybody want to go in on lot #8? http://www.massmoca.org/benefit_2013.php
  8. For me, sitting down in the theater to watch a Wes Anderson film for the first time is akin to waiting in the audience for a favorite band to come on. Also, Hotel Chevalier. What a little gem that is.
  9. Too painful. I know it's there, so it doesn't change the plot for me. I would never tell someone who hasn't watched it to skip that part.
  10. I could watch Darjeeling Limited over and over again. But I always fast forward over the canal rescue part.
  11. A really fun, loose, loud show. Although, I was right in front of the speakers on the right, so I don't know how the sound was further back. We had a couple women near us who were completely unaware that there was anyone there but themselves. There were several comments by Jeff how great the crowd was. The security guard at the rail deserves a special shout out for passing out cups of water between songs.
  12. Next time my kid plays a soccer game in East Hampton, I'm going to try and buy a cowbell.
  13. I have tickets for Stubbs as well, I'm considering that my Wilco fix for the weekend. Although, Saturday's set will be it for a long time it sounds like, so, I'll probably make sure to be at that stage as well.
  14. The Bushnell has terrific sound, lovely bathrooms and a really cool old bar in the mezzanine. Hartford is awful though. I can say that because I live there.
  15. I was in the front row, and there were empty seats behind me. My husband went online that day and there were tickets available in the 4th row. Hartford on a Tuesday.
  16. I have AT&T U-verse, it is on On Demand. Try that, maybe?
  17. Boston is Boston. Streets are deserted at 9 on Sunday nights. I think the venue in Hartford is terrifically small. There being a small music scene here it is just the right venue size. Hell, Wilco couldn't fill the Bushnell. Soulive only sold about 1/3 Infinity Hall, Deer Tick maybe 1/2. I think a lot of bands wouldn't play Arch St because of the lack of backstage.
  18. Ditto. Then soccer games. Brutal.
  19. I really liked Phox as well, pretty much a 180 degree difference from Blitzen Trapper's style. I was tired though, BT didn't go on until 11:15! I'm getting too old for this shit. Arch St must not have a backstage area, because both bands were hanging around the patio before and after the show.
  20. Blitzen Trapper in Hartford for me as well.
  21. Her ex boyfriend put up an "art film" on one of those revenge upon ex sites.
  22. Olivia Munn's character and the porn. Maggie's work suffered when the boyfriend saw the video. When she was in Africa without a boyfriend, she did great. And I can't believe Mac has gotten as far as she has in her job with her never seeming to know what is going on Jeff Daniel's character is more interesting when he's not involved with someone, you can't say that about the female characters. Interesting article. Thanks, it makes me feel a tiny bit better about Aaron Sorkin.
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