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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. What do you recommend? Cage fighting? Cook off? Foot race? Music trivia? I'm short but quick.
  2. My husband and his buddies go on their annual trip next weekend, so that's 2 nights for him. I also am holding a really choice single ticket for the last night, that I bought because we had another night for the presale. But I'm not sure what we are going to do with it. I may have to fight my husband for it, or we may sell it to pay for his entire trip next weekend. It seems like a shame to let it go though, especially the last night.
  3. The show at Infinity Hall last night was great. Very different from other times I saw them. A more stripped down, mostly seated set, suited to the venue. By the time John McCauley cracked his 3rd beer,the show had loosened up quite a bit. They said that Infinity Hall Live is on 70% of public television stations across the country, so if anyone has any interest, search for it. It's probably on at like 3AM on Mondays in most markets!
  4. Deer Tick at Infinity Hall, Norfolk, CT. Best venue in the northeast, BTW.
  5. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks tonight, White Denim tomorrow.
  6. That is good news. I like SPAC now that they've redone the sound there. I'd like to take the kids to see them before it's all over and the lawn is good for them there.
  7. True Detective is haunting my dreams.
  8. Healing thoughts and healthy vibes to Sue and to all of the Tweedy's. The best days are yet to come!
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/messages-from-creationists-to-people-who-believe-in-evolutio
  10. I'm a rabid evolutionist. But, listening last night, I realized that evolutionary science is pretty complicated stuff, even when explained by Bill Nye. Maybe for some people who can't or don't want to think in an advanced way, it's easier to accept creationism. Both sort of require a leap of faith. Creationism requires faith that one book written millennia ago and translated several times is the word of God and holds all the answers. Evolutionism requires faith that we may not know all of the answers of the universe, but the answer is out there somewhere and we'll find it if we just look
  11. $400 a night is crazy. I paid $575 for 4 nights in a 3 bedroom house. They will come down from that, I'm sure.
  12. Me too! Did you see that the announcement talked about the whole weekend commemorating 75 years of her music? Or maybe 75th birthday makes more sense. But anyway, they said special friends and guests! That could be very, very good.
  13. The kids could be listening to far worse.
  14. Mavis Staples was just announced for Newport. Is it too early for me to start hoping for a Jeff Tweedy announcement?
  15. I just watched a clip of him as Lester Bangs in Almost Famous. Now I'm realizing that one of the nicer things in life was the thought that I would be able to enjoy his acting for many years. Now a nice thing about life is gone. A loss for sure. My favorite roles are as the male nurse in Magnolia and the sound man in Boogie Nights.
  16. Did they talk r-e-a-l-l-y slowly. That was my take away. Slow talkers.
  17. I also think that people with houses for rent will start to post them later. I was able to rent the same house as last year, but I think only because I had rented it before.
  18. For the 1st 2 years we stayed at Blackinton Manor, just outside of N. Adams. The people are nice, the place is nice enough. They have a pool. But last year they made it a mandatory 3 or 4 night stay. We live close enough that we really don't have to stay for more than 2, so we we rented a house last year and next in Williamstown. Driving in and parking are no problem.
  19. I thought so too, according to Jambase. There's conflicting information on the ABB forums, though. I figured I would just play it safe and get the final night.
  20. Just to bring this thread up to date. 4 more Beacon dates, March 25, 26, 28, 29. The 25th or 26th is the 45th anniversary of the ABB, I'm getting conflicting information about which is supposed to be the commemoration. I was just able to get 1 excellent ticket for the last night, 1st row of the lower balcony.
  21. They are playing at Infinity Hall with Marshall Crenshaw this weekend at Infinity Hall in Norfolk, CT. It is an amazing venue, only 300 seats, with a great restaurant. I will be away skiing this weekend, but otherwise, even if I am only marginally interested in a band playing there, I go.
  22. I do believe that it may be NY state law that it rains at Mountain Jam every year. I've considered going in the past; but have always been relieved when the weekend rolls around because there always seems to be thunderstorms.
  23. I believe it's Warren Haynes' festival, isn't it?
  24. Not to mention, most rental places will have a week minimum for a holiday.
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