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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. I was all ready to say something about the women, but Maudie beat me too it. All of the female characters' abilities to do their jobs seem to hinge on how their relationships with men are going. And I'm bothered that they have to keep saying how smart Olivia Munn's character is instead of just letting her be smart.
  2. Well, last night anyway. Deer Tick.
  3. Is the whole thing available for streaming somewhere? I can only find bits and pieces.
  4. It's like someone stabbed your ear with a hot knitting needle.
  5. Is it weird that this is where they are playing Sunday night? http://www.jbo-club.com/ I don't really care, I'm going anyway.
  6. I end up listening to one of the pop stations occasionally because I have tween kids and I use the opportunity to talk about how to be a critical listener, the use of sexual content to sell, appealing to the lowest common denominator, etc. I like to tell myself that anyway. It pretty much consists of me saying, "Listen to this, this is crap! The autotune hurts my ears! I HATE this song, I'm turning it." My son was in 5th grade last year and they were studying the ear and hearing. His teacher went into how autotune works so now my son can at least recognize it when he hears it. Apparen
  7. Ok, ok.... I love reading all of the speculation, knowing that it will probably be something no one has mentioned yet!! Now, I have the chance to see Deer Tick on Sunday, but I'm almost reluctant to go! I know, I can set the DVR, but there's something about being part of the zeitgeist.
  8. If he turned himself in, wouldn't the money have to be given up as well? Since this is all supposed to be for Skyler and the kids, I don't think he would turn himself in.
  9. I told them exactly the same.
  10. I am stealing your umami reference to use elsewhere, hope you don't mind. I also remember reading somewhere that Tony Soprano was the first television character that was written to be an evil, yet sympathetic man. Also, that WW is the first character to change so dramatically throughout the series, where most series rely on the main character to not change to move plot.
  11. I can't figure out who I'm rooting for at this point. None of them? All of them? I was starting to feel for Walter, but then when he was in the doorway of Jesse's old girlfriend's, I'm yelling at the TV, "Don't let him in! Don't let him in"! And then when he talked to Brock, I seriously had the chills and I was reminded how awful he is.
  12. http://www.aclfestival.com/2013-schedule/weekend-two#sunday-2013-10-13 I was able to get Wilco at Stubbs tickets, and cashed in a bunch of miles and hotel points, so it looks like my husband and I are going. You folks are smart and knowledgeable, anyone willing to take a look and offer opinions on who I should make an effort to see? I have a few in mind, but would love to hear other opinions. Thanks!
  13. I saw them for the first time on Sunday. I'm in love.
  14. MMJ/Wilco/Dylan tonight. Saw Soulive on Friday and I can highly recommend.
  15. How was Parquet Courts? A friend was trying to get me to go, but I only had that one song to go on, not enough for an hour and 1/2 ride out and back.
  16. This was the first year I made an effort to see them at Solid Sound, and enjoyed their set very much. I'll make it a point to see them in the future.
  17. I can attest that at least one member of Foxygen was escorted out by a security guard and a bandmate. He was walking on rubber legs.
  18. I get it, but he knows it. When he's talking, I turn the station.
  19. "This special edition of The Roundtable will focus on the immense variety that the festival has to offer, with artist interviews and live performances hosted by The Roundtable's Joe Donahue, and WAMC's President and CEO, Dr. Alan Chartock. Says Chartock, "We're so proud to participate in the Solid Sound Festival, because like WAMC, it's a true celebration of the arts that honors a full range of artistic expression right here in our own community." Ugh. Alan Chartock loves the sound of his own voice.
  20. It's not right in town, probably 2 miles from Mass MOCA. It's not a great walk to the trailhead from downtown either-no sidewalks on kind of a busy road. I'm not saying it can't be done, it's just not a pleasant stroll.
  21. There's plenty of free parking. No one should worry.
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