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Everything posted by H.Stone

  1. I'll add another vote for more Jeff solos added to the mix.
  2. Ah, yes. A song from the Old Country! A Box Full of Letters was great. As I think about it, that would be a really good song to point to. You know, raise your hand in the air and just point the sh*t out of it?
  3. It did become incredibly hot in the hours before doors, but I have to say I was mostly thrilled to be soaking up so much Tulsa sun. (Some may even say I overdid it... ) Spring in WI this year has been abysmal. I hadn't seen the full band since Solid Sound, so ending the drought with a show at Cains (my first visit) was terrific! After the "Evening With..." shows and enjoying a variety of Solid Sound Wilco shenanigans, a fan can become downright spoiled in terms of the set list, so I tried to keep that in mind going in. I also recognized my good fortune in being able to attend a Sund
  4. You're right, they are typically seen as pricey shows. However, if you get the $50 tickets, they really are a bargain. Varied setlists, no opener, great banter...and it's a benefit. This was my first time missing these shows in a few years, and I plan to make whatever arrangements necessary to make it back next year. They really are amazing shows, and missing them was sad.
  5. Awwwww.... Wouldn't it be cool if it was that guy's first Tweedy show?
  6. [swoon] At My Window Sad and Lonely, sans PA [/swoon] Thanks for the setlist--wish I could have been there!
  7. Thanks for the recap. The "Is Glenn here?" bit is really funny...except that the mayor's daughter sullied it. Clearly this show wasn't on the dry campus.
  8. Oh, check out the Phil Collins purist!
  9. Jeff singing the guitar solos is certainly a step up from a couple of guys sitting behind you doing it. And Forget the Flowers--that's nice!
  10. Oh, good god...I'm glad you couldn't think of it last night! The Eddie Money/Groovy Kind of Love duo was more than enough. Re: the new song: that's what happens when the Interwebs ruins surprises!! I lovelovelove the melody of it. It may be "Oh yeahhhhh" worthy one day.
  11. Hey strangers! Hope to see you soon down the road.
  12. Cheers to that! When I'm feeling BLUE All I have to DO Is take a look at YOU And then I'm not sooooo BLUE... (Paul, you bastard!)
  13. If I may make a credit suggestion, use "Mancakes."
  14. Last night Jeff played it and afterward announced that it was a new song. He said the night (or two?) before, he made the mistake of announcing that it was a new song beforehand and then people recorded. He thought by announcing it afterward, he could avoid that problem. (He followed that up with, "Not really; I've given up all hope.") It was really pleasant not seeing a lot of glaring screens in the crowd last night, and I'm bummed Paste picked up the recording. It seems there are two choices for Jeff/Wilco: be hard-core about recording/cameras/etc., much to the ire of some attendees, or
  15. Oooo (ooooohhhhhh?), P -- I like the Wordpress. A great recounting, of course. As soon as Jeff noted how quiet the room was, I had a feeling it would be received as an invitation to, well, not be quiet. But people also seem to want to reenact moments from the Sunken Treasure DVD ("Play whatever you want!") at solo shows, so maybe it's just a matter of time before that kind of racket erupts, regardless of how the evening starts. It's been a long (loooooong, sad, lonely) time since I've seen any incarnations of Wilco, so I was really looking forward to hearing whatever songs showed up in th
  16. The line-up looks fantastic! Two nights of Wilco sounds great to me. I remember hearing plenty of complaints last year because they were only headlining one night of their own festival, so now we're getting two full shows plus the rest of the line-up for under $100? Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. (As for a solo set, maybe Jeff wants to spend more time in the dunk tank this year and knows his voice won't survive it.) I'm curious to see what changes the city of North Adams makes for 2011. I hope someone at least talks to the management at the Holiday Inn restaurant so we aren't booted of
  17. Thanks for the tips! We've done the Pearl St thing in the past, and our friends were married at Chautauqua (and we stayed in cabins there), so we've got a few things under our belts. We're taking the girls skiing one of the days, and then we'll have to hit a few of the places you mentioned. I'd love to go to the vinyl shop, but I don't foresee us putting many albums in our luggage. Or do I? Because there's no way we'll go there and resist buying. Hey, did you see the zip code guy? Or doesn't he "do" Pearl St. in the winter?
  18. What a great setlist! Wait Up, Someday..., Summer Teeth, Either Way, ELT, Red-Eyed, Dreamer... all without a single repeat. Damn. Was this GA seated or assigned? It would seem strange that suddenly no audio recording equipment would be allowed, especially since he referenced the live recording from stage. P, any Boulder finds you recommend before we head that way in a couple of weeks?
  19. I haven't heard anything about it, Louie.
  20. When I watch this, I feel like it was shot using My Hipstamatic Prints, Lens: -10 years. Jeff looks much younger. Maybe YLT has rules about suggestions regarding clips from their shows being posted on VC?
  21. http://chicago.timeout.com/articles/opera-classical/90856/meet-the-composer-studio
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