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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Go to Scotland, of course. I enjoy my scotch with a splash of water.
  2. Oh! Canada! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2XTuc6i1Uo
  3. What about events that only exist within the realm of the Olympics, like luge, skeleton, and bobsledding? Seriously, who luges?
  4. Huh. I had always heard those, but had never listened? I never knew that's what they were saying, I just figured they were random shouts. I also only realized recently that John was saying "In" in Revolution, after he sings "don't you know that you count me out (in)." I think I had always assumed he was saying "anyway" with the rest of the word trailing off.
  5. His wife is quoted as saying she wants to live in a more cosmopolitan city than Detroit, so I'm guessing that money isn't the factor for signing in Detroit.
  6. Have Mick or Keef (or any of the other past Stones) participated in the writing of any Stones books or bios? I'm guessing that Mick and Keith have not, being the smart businessmen that they are.
  7. Used to be that only property owners (minority) could vote. Nowadays, are you telling me that the poor (majority) have the same rights as the rich (minority)?
  8. Well I'll be a kissmygotohell. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out. Can't get enough Mars Bar lit.
  9. That is true - but it's not a movie that works on that level. Like Scorsese says in the article you linked to - it doesn't really have a beginning and end. It's the imagery that I captures me - that of nature "gone wild" in a tropic place like Guadalcanal, vs the machines and destruction that men bring. That, and I love Nick Nolte in that movie. HIGH GROUND BY NIGHTFALL!
  10. Scorsese is rather terse in his comments about Pulp Fiction. Interesting... It is long and meandering, but I think there's real value in it. I think I'll watch it again soon in anticipation of The Pacific on HBO.
  11. Makes me wonder... I should just write my own Jagger biography and make up a bunch of shit.
  12. Thanks. The most outrageous thing in the first chapter was a story about Mick and Keith walking around the crowd the night before the concert (highly unlikely) and then they came across a crazed fan with a harem who offered Mick a joint. Who was that fan? Charles Manson!! Too bad the author didn't bother to look up the fact that Manson had been in custody (for car theft) since October. The Concert was on Dec. 6. The best thing is that the author was at the concert, covering it for Time Magazine! He even got the song wrong - of what was playing when Meredith Hunter was shot. The guy could
  13. Can anyone recommend a good Mick Jagger bio? I checked out "Jagger: The unauthorized bio" from the library, and read the first chapter, which was about Altamont. There were so many things the author got wrong in that lead-in chapter that I didn't bother reading further. I later learned that the author didn't bother speaking to the Stones or Jagger at all...
  14. Great flick. As much as I love him and his movies, I would pass the opportunity to invest in a Gilliam project.
  15. Gilliam should start reading the Wall Street Journal. Hedge Funds have been dying (sometimes literally) to send money to Hollywood. He just needs a power lunch with an ill-advised portfolio manager.
  16. What's Haribo Colorado, precious? Haribo Gold Bears are manna.
  17. That was an awesome show. Good to see JPJ in fine form. The songs played much better live. Loved it.
  18. Can you please chill with the abrasiveness?
  19. I think I'll be giving up meat and alcohol altogether (except for St. Paddy's day).
  20. What, like citing Jesse The Body Ventura's website like you did? (He really did! http://www.climatephysics.com/GlobalWarming/GWScience.htm - click on 'home' to see the site's author) Dude, everyone knows that Jesse's theories have been debunked by Jumpin Jim Brunzel.
  21. Who called who mental? So you state. What data (not editorials - we're asking for something derived by a scientist) have you read to support that? The IPCC thinks otherwise. What evidence do you have that negates their claim?
  22. Actually, we attacked the message. 35 years from now? Not bad. I'll be 75. By that time I'll probably be thinking a lot of things are ridiculous, like treating cancer with radiation.
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