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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. The Clash - Cut the Crap. Actually, I'm just assuming it's a bad album. I've never bothered listening to it.
  2. Scorsese, Kubrick, Coen Bros., John Waters...
  3. I've always felt that Zappa's albums had an outstanding sonic quality, like Apostrophe, Overnite Sensation, One Size Fits All, and Joe's Garage. They just sounded so "thick" to me. Part of the appeal to discovering his catalogue was the incredible production.
  4. Ding Ding! Correct. Favorite Beatles Berry cover? Mine: Sweet Little Sixteen, off the Live at the BBC album.
  5. Those Berry lyrics are hysterical, (wee wee hours, drizzlin showers) considering his penchant for golden showers... John sang all the Beatles' Chuck Berry covers except one. Name it.
  6. Naked is a good album, but I don't even think of it as a Talking Heads album. It sounds like a David Byrne solo album, with a big band backing him up. Jerry's, Chris's, Tina's contributions are buried under the big band. Maybe that's why it was their last album?
  7. Me-OW. What are you, Mr. Blackwell's heir?
  8. Ain't no party like a Patrick Kane Party cuz a Patrick Kane party don't stop!
  9. Nice to see the blockbuster trades going on lately... Phaneuf to Toronto... Giguere to Toronto... Kovalchuk to NJ...
  10. Yeah, I'd like to know the frame of reference for the Penelope hate. I've never seen her in a film not directed by Almodovar, so I'm perplexed.
  11. Well, that and a little film you may have heard of: Star Wars? Yes, it was nominated for Best Film. It makes sense because they're all blockbusters.
  12. Casualties if it were still only 5 noms: Blind Side District 9 An Education Precious Up Avatar makes the list because of its boffo boxoffice.
  13. Meaning, if you've run out of suitable hyperbole, invoking the Nazis will suffice in a pinch.
  14. Finally saw Avatar over the weekend, in 3D - it was my first experience with the new 3D... Very cool flick - was amazed with the beauty of it all, but was underwhelmed with the story. Definitely would recommend checking it out though. Was very impressed that the theater was full, even after 6 weeks after release.
  15. Because we should be smoking jays instead of ranting about them.
  16. It doesn't really affect my feelings one way or the other, but thanks for asking.
  17. According to this (it's wikipedia, so take it for what you will), Conan's ratings were "shitty" before Leno's show started, but only got shittier after Leno's shit. Seems plausible that a domino effect took place due to Leno's show, but it's not as if Conan's ratings were great before Leno dragged him down further. A: Conan's ratings sucked B: NBC's scheduling sucked, which resulted in Conan's ratings sucking even more. C: Conan got shitcanned because NBC decided they couldn't afford to wait to see if his ratings could beat Letterman consistently, eventually. D: Conan did not get ass-fucked.
  18. ? This is how you get promoted. "I want a promotion in this company. What's the outlook for that happening?, because I'll make it happen elsewhere if you guys don't value me that way." That's not a bad thing to do. If Leno had that kind of spine five years ago...
  19. Fixed it for you. We learned Leno's version of the Kimmel appearance, nothing more.
  20. Where the hell did they get the Townshend pic from? Looks like he's driving a hatchback.
  21. Actually, my biggest sacrifice is continuing to drive my dinged up 2003 Infiniti G3 instead of getting a newer model with all wheel drive. Suck it, Tojo!
  22. I would say Jawbone, by The Band, if only it was a Rock and Roll song. Everyone knows 6/4 isn't a rock and roll meter.
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