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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. oh please. Reagan was practically beatified by the press when he passed away.
  2. I just wish the Twins Tigers wouldn't tease me like this. Big games coming up against Detroit Minnesota, but I'm being realistic.
  3. Isn't it "our" nature to be socialist? Doesn't society-building depend on specialization and co-dependence? If not, I guess I'll adapt to reverting back to being a hunter/gatherer.
  4. Tigers' magic number = 13 Twins' magic number = 22 Any guesses as to whose reaches 0 first? This season is going to be a repeat of 2006, as in the Twins will overtake the Tigers to win the division, but not as in the Tigers will win the pennant.
  5. I'm not sure what rosy portraits you're referring to. I certainly haven't seen any - from either analyst reports or news outlets. Most have reported that the turnaround will be a slow gradual process. Anyone expecting more than that is misinformed.
  6. Me neither. 401(k)s are tied to the market, so that certainly affects more than just the 10% wealthiest. As for employment rates - those always lag behind economic turns. There's a lot of indication that the recession probably ended in July or August. New house sales are up, previously-built house sales are up - those are both good foundations of a turn-around. Now time will tell if that's just the dead-cat bounce or not. Other indicators, such as unemployment rates, will take longer to turnaround - we'll probably see it in 2Q/3Q 2010.
  7. kinda. Starts out very quiet, but the drums are loud/normal.
  8. Not a HOFer, so far. Of his 8.5 years, he's only made 4 1st all pro teams, but didn't make the 2nd team once. That means he's been a premier LB for only half of his career. If he gets in, Zach Thomas (5 1st team, 2 2nd team) would have to get in as well, and he's not getting in. Singletary was Defensive player of the year twice, 8x 1st team, 1 2nd team, and has a ring.
  9. So, when you go to get your shot of penecillin, you're going to say "Hell fucking no, I don't want everyone who's contributing insurance premiums to my provider to have to pay for this, so I'm going to pay for this out of my own pocket."?
  10. I just want to take this opportunity to say that Martha My Dear is my favorite Paul-written Beatles song.
  11. Such thoughts have already been documented. From the current Pontiff: There is quite a bit of diversity amongst Catholics as to their duties regarding abortion. For myself, I've never impregnated anyone, so I've never been in the situation of being a part of that decision. I'm married now, and when my betrothed gets knocked up, we'll have the kid. That's how I view acting out my beliefs. I don't support imposing my beliefs on others, and so I don't let it factor in my voting decisions.
  12. iTunes 9.0, released yesterday, now has a lossless CD import option. Takes up plenty o memory though.
  13. Picked up the White Album and Abbey Road (the only remasters they had stocked) at Target last night and received a $5 gift card for my troubles. Not a bad deal. Didn't notice much about Back in the USSR, other than a louder jet noise, but really noticed the difference in Dear Prudence - more pronounced bass and drums, and the guitar notes seemed more crisp.
  14. I think that sentiment rings more true in their later years. Their first few albums were collections of singles and covers. I think their first truly great album was Hard Days Night - which was also the first that consisted entirely of original material. To me, their "album band" status started with Rubber Soul and continued forward from there.
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