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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. ^^ Cool. Emailed and got a (auto)response back. We'll see if it works.
  2. I can't wait to read another article on who is lying about the inauguration attendance totals. WHO GIVES A SHIT?
  3. The Opening of the Shining sets such a tone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgCejsyS0t8
  4. down the road. I've seen bits - very funny stuff. They're into Peppa Pig right now, which I think is hilarious too.
  5. Man, the Academy certainly didn't think much of Silence. But they sure loved the musical that was a love letter to Hollywood. Go figure.
  6. My two boys (2 and 4) always shout "NO MUSIC!" in the car when I'm driving. nice. Though they do love the Casino soundtrack. They make me play Ain't Got No Home over and over and over!
  7. I thought that brainwashing your own kids was the whole point of having kids. How am I expected to create my own Cosa Nostra without that notion?
  8. I bet he went about it very pragmatically. He decided that the upside of backing Trump outweighed the downside.
  9. The ending of Jurassic Bark, one of the great episodes of Futurama:
  10. Saw LALA Land over the weekend. Thought it was good not great. I thought it was not as good as the films that it's inspired by.
  11. Dropped my wife off at the station this morning so she could go to the Chicago march. They were planning for 50,000. 250,000+ showed up.
  12. Same. I remember being skeptical about the movie, probably because of the poorly conceived marketing, but the movie had me locked with the way the opening was edited.
  13. "Amir, we need more Around and Around* and The Last Time. Chop chop" *Yes, I know it's a Berry song.
  14. I'm just wondering how he's going to work Gimme Shelter into this one.
  15. I get it, I guess. though I'm drawing the opposite conclusion from the same sources. Though he hasn't used any Dylan songs (or Beatles songs for that matter) in his movies either - would you also say he couldn't name 5 songs by either of those? So, if you were on a game show, and sitting for the final $10,000,000 question, and Martin Scorsese walks up to the podium, and Wink Martindale asks you to bet whether or not Scorsese can name 5 Grateful Dead songs, you're going with the under?
  16. and edited (and was present for all performances of) Woodstock. Not sure why the assumption starts with thinking he couldn't name 5 songs.
  17. I would bet he knows more about American music than you assume. He wouldn't have involved himself in this project if he wasn't aware of them.
  18. I have to assume that Murray actually owned that swimsuit, and just brought it to set.
  19. There are so many great examples from Goodfellas: He's Sure the Boy I Love to Atlantis: My favorite is the May 11, 1980 cocaine-frenzy montage (I couldn't find a good copy on youtube) that goes between Jump into the Fire, to Memo from Turner, to Magic Bus, to Monkey Man, to What is Life, to Mannish Boy back to Jump into the Fire.
  20. Scorsese. Scorsese. Scorsese. Any number of examples, but his lengthy history of using the Stones in his movies starts here:
  21. Unless you guys are Nielsen households, your viewing habits don't affect Nielsen ratings. There's only 40,000 Nielsen households. Save your energy bills and turn your TV off. http://www.snopes.com/change-channel-on-inauguration/
  22. a New person coming out of the woodwork was our president for the last 8 years.
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