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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. The July '78 box is still available. I think the only thing that is sold out (of the new '77 box) is the limited edition that includes the book. They're continuing to sell the "music only" via CDs, and it will also be available via download later this year. Not sure why they don't allow for all their previous releases to be available for download. Would like to get my hands on the '69 box and June '77 box, but eBay entrepreneurs are asking way too much. I'm a listener, not a collector.
  2. Rented Arrival over the weekend. Started slowly, but I really loved it. Both me and the missus squirted quite a few tears. Very moving flick.
  3. I watched an episode of Samurai Jack with my 4 year old this past weekend. I've never seen him so rapt in stunned silence before.
  4. oh yeah. they were not pleased with the state of ordering the new box set last night.
  5. All I can find is that verse was "pre-1971" - for a date, but can't find any anecdotes for why...
  6. Just got mine now. Clear sailing. Was a shitshow last night. Man, the comments section on the dead.net page are a complete meltdown.
  7. Shank Hall is worth the road trip. Great venue. Saw the Blasters there. Named after the Spinal Tap reference.
  8. Not a fan of Screaming Lord Sutch? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Sutch_and_Heavy_Friends
  9. ^^ I remember this story from my school days in Minneapolis: http://www.nytimes.com/1990/08/21/us/northwest-pilots-are-found-guilty-of-drunken-flying.html Mr. Prouse drank at least 15 rum and Diet Cokes, according to bar records and accounts of witnesses. The two other pilots shared at least seven pitchers of beer, witnesses said. None of the pilots slept for more than five and a half hours before reporting for duty the next morning.
  10. Everyday there's this morbid dread I have about "What happened today?" And when I get home, every day, my wife and I trade stories, "Did you hear??" We're dumbfounded. That's why I posted the New Pornos "Laws Have Changed" vid above. "It was a crime at the time but the laws we changed 'em ... What will be revealed today? ... Form a line to the throne."
  11. I may be starting something to find that out first hand. My wife's cousin's husband produces a craft gin in the EU, and wants to crack the American market. I am looking into creating an LLC to obtain a liquor importer's license. I know there are only 4 distributors licensed in Illinois, so there's not much of a free market... The thought is that the LLC I create would import the gin to sell to one of the distributors.
  12. I'm just saying his soloing is good regardless. I've never noticed a difference on whether it's one of his songs or not.
  13. I don't know about many times better - but I've never thought of it. Playing in the Band, The Other One, Estimated Prophet, Greatest Story Ever Told, to name a few, are enough for me.
  14. It's fantastic so far - with so many new details. I'm only through the first couple of months, but the thing that's impressing me the most is just how hungry all the Beatles were (OK, maybe not Ringo so much...) for new culture.
  15. a friend of mine made some special banana bread. I ate a couple of pieces before going to see the Black Keys play at First Ave in Minneapolis. Another friend who met us there kept asking me if I was OK. Sure I was ztoned as fuck, but otherwise OK. Apparently I was turning a whiter shade of pale. Soon after, I could literally see the black curtain coming down, so I grabbed my friend's shoulders with both hands and said, "You gotta get me out of here." I didn't let go as he headed for the door. We went outside for fresh air and I sat down. Soon my legs were solidly underneath me again. So yea
  16. Was in the front rowdy section of a COWS show in the early 90s. My friend and I decided to duck outside to get a breath of fresh air. His shirt was covered in blood. We freaked out. He did a quick diagnostic, and announced "OK, not my blood" We shrugged our shoulders and went back in. Saw the Cult open for Metallica in the late 80s at Alpine Valley. I was way back at the top of the hill. Metallica fans didn't care for the Cult, to say the least. Many started throwing sod at the band. I don't remember much, but I can still hear the lead singer begging "Would you PLEASE quit throwing sod??"
  17. Putin decriminalizes domestic abuse. Any takers on what Trump's response will be, if any?
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