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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Sweet! The only time I ever saw the JGB was the night after this one in Minneapolis. Only time I had first row seats to a show. Lucked out as a guest of a friend. We were tripping balls that night.
  2. Mats Bastards of Young Alex Chilton Left of the Dial Can't Hardly Wait Run It
  3. Mine argue over either watching Finding Nemo or Paw Patrol.
  4. If anyone is interested in an Apple Lossless version of Dave's #21 (April 2, '73, Boston Gardens) via Dropbox, send me a PM.
  5. the shops in wicker park are a short walk from the Damen stop on the Blue Line too.
  6. A more compelling argument would have been "What happened if we didn't act and the next guy became the next Hitler?" THEN WHAT
  7. I checked my delivery status. The package originated in Aurora IL, about 15 miles away from my house. Then it went to somewhere in Tennessee, then back to Bensenville IL, which is adjacent to Ohare. That's some streamlined operation going on there, UPS.
  8. The little self-dip that the dude does at the beginning (and his sweater style) is great.
  9. More Scorsese. This Raging Bull montage - split between photos from fights and home movie weddings, is amazing.
  10. So, now he's vowing to open an investigation about the 5 million fraudulent voting? Nice - how would you like to be the person assigned to that one? I used to get shit assignments when I was younger - ones that I knew were a complete waste of time, and would eventually get cancelled or filed into the circular file. It sucks.
  11. Guy Ritchie knows how to use a tune too. Here's Mirwais' Disco Science (great use of the Breeders sample) set to a hare coursing montage.
  12. it's like, Oh! So you have a credible source that says there were up to 5 million illegal votes?? Holy Shit! Certainly you're going to investigate to make sure something like this can't happen again right? No? hm... Not a big deal to you then? Or, you just made that up and now that your parents are looking into your lie, you're just moving past it so you can still have your friends over for a Nintendo sleepover?
  13. How about - I can't believe it took until post #54 for someone to invoke Godwin's Law, Hitler?
  14. Having said what I said - now with the 5 million illegal voters thing... Man, this is just how it's going to be now, I guess? Trump will just throw out a lie or whatever he wants to on Twitter, not substantiate it, and then Spicer and Conway will further try to cram it down our throats, and condemn anyone who disagrees with their alternate facts. Gaslighting indeed.
  15. I'd rather we give focus to the lies he tells about policy. focusing my attention on attendance numbers means my focus is diverted from something meaningful.
  16. Double wides can go to hell. Booster attachments with cramped legroom that force the kids to face each other so they can kick and swat each other is the way to go.
  17. The best part of any thread that asks for submissions as an example of whatever is when someone notes how long it took for their example to be mentioned. Well done.
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