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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Bertha definitely. Also, the Cumberland Blues that opens the Europe 72 album cooks...
  2. fun read. And I love the accompanying illustration. Ouch, only 3 songs post 1980. I think the list is too 2nd-set heavy. I'll put in for the Feb 1973 Lincoln NE Big Railroad Blues. I would also put in for an earlier version of Wharf Rat than they listed ('77 I think?). I tend to think the "best" versions of their songs are more often than not when they're fresh and new.
  3. Saw Hidden Figures. Nice movie, and a story that definitely needs to be told, but too bad about the white savior thing (spoiler alert: Kevin Costner smashes the "Colored Bathroom" sign so that the female lead doesn't have to run across campus to use it. In real life, she never bothered going into the "Colored Bathroom" in the first place. She didn't need Kevin Costner to make it right for her. Also - the modern Pharrell soundtrack was really distracting. Plenty of good songs from that era to use. Oh, but Pharrell was a producer, so I guess he was interested in putting his own music out for t
  4. June 24, riveredge park. $20. Ever been? https://events.riveredgeaurora.com/online/seatSelect.asp?BOset::WSmap::seatmap::performance_ids=25890610-D2B3-4ECC-B7A1-A75937B8F09F&_ga=1.1821815.715566358.1490118530
  5. Contemplating seeing DSO (for the first time) in Aurora IL in mid June. Main factor is that I'd be going solo... While I am in contemplation mode, I see that Terrapin Flyer is playing at Fitzgerald's the night before. Has anyone here seen them? I'm watching a video of them on youtube. Not bad - kind of sloppy.
  6. I think we're done watching it after the last episode. Completely lost interest.
  7. Oh, you mean like how all the 9/11 dudes were Saudis? No big deal.
  8. I always thought it was either the Eagles or Fleetwood Mac that launched ticket prices into the stratosphere.
  9. The highest average Dead ticket price in the 80s was just over $20. A local DJ on local station XRT recalled the outrage when Clapton charged $35 in the early 90s for tickets to an Alpine Valley show.
  10. Lion. Christ, for whatever reason I was expecting a lighthearted movie. Be prepared to lose some water, if you haven't seen it. Highly recommended.
  11. Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
  12. Don't worry guys. Putin's got Trump's back. So, we're good then, right?
  13. From my point of view, I'd be going to see Watt and asking if the Meat puppets are worth it.
  14. Ha. That's great. See, with just the audio, to me this is just another Terrapin. But to see JG so animated takes it to another level. And I think that whole notion is hilarious. The crowd just ate it up. Compare his antics here to his 1,000-yard stare that he's got going during Dark Star at the '72 Veneta show. Imagine if he jumped around like Pete Townshend, just once. Peoples' lids would have flipped, to say the least.
  15. I'll have to re-read that section. But I seem to recall that the author said something about Terrapin being a spiritual "replacement" for Dark Star. Am I right or am I misremembering that? I thought it was a weird comparison, because every version of Terrapin I've heard is basically "the same" - meaning that it's unique (to me) in that of all the songs the Dead plays, there seems to be the least amount of wiggle room in Terrapin to be spontaneously creative. Whereas on the other side of the spontaneity spectrum is Dark Star, where every version is so unique. There's no "jam" or "solos" or "
  16. I think it's unfortunate. I think there's a lot of Wall Street rich people who gamble with other peoples money, who should have gone to jail when Obama was in office, and they didn't. Now he's collecting a huge paycheck from them. dic·tateverb ˈdikˌtāt,ˌdikˈtāt/ 1. lay down authoritatively; prescribe.
  17. I appreciate you dictating how I should care about it. Thank you.
  18. You know it's possible to both admire Obama AND be critical of him, right?
  19. Probably didn't pay as much as the recent Wall Street gig.
  20. We'll keep watching. I'm curious about how they're going to tie everything together, but that last episode seemed like such a waste of time. The one thing that bothered the both of us is that how did a guy in his (seemingly) young 20s in 1975 turn into an 82-year old geezer by 2010?
  21. That 3rd episode of Fargo had absolutely the opposite effect on me and my wife.
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