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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Definitely heard Quiet Riot's Cum On Feel The Noize, and Mama Weer All Crazee Now before Slade's. Pretender's Stop Your Sobbing before Kinks. Green Day's Warning before Kinks' Picture Book. Whatshername's I Will Always Love You - still have never heard Dolly Parton's. Clash's Police and Thieves before Junior Murvin's. Their I Fought The Law before Bobby Fuller's.
  2. As a kid, heard Aerosmith's Come Together first. In other Beatles news, my college roommate was a big Phil Collins fan. The easiest bet I ever won was when he was pretty certain that Mr. Collins wrote Tomorrow Never Knows (on his album Face Value).
  3. I'm still on the "took so long" train with Tom Waits. I'll let you know when I get there.
  4. This is three years old, but I just discovered it, and enjoyed it - Joni Mitchell on Bob Dylan. Worth it if only just to hear her imitation of him at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZY8aDg_dTI
  5. ha. Love it. You're already Making America Great Again. I will definitely be in touch. Will buy you a round if (can't believe I'm saying IF - I've made it every year since I moved to Chicago - 2011 was the first. This will be the 6th) I go.
  6. I'm scrambling... I might have to go solo. The wife is "meh" and my usual crew is out of town...
  7. Los Lobos with Ballet Folklorico in the Chicago burbs last February. I think that other than Day 2 of the Pitchfork Fest, that was the only show I went to. Loved it. Los Lobos played an acoustic set that was lovingly choreographed by the Ballet Folklorico dance troupe. Hidalgo's voice was in fine form, even though he was battling the crud that night. Though, he seems to be gaining a little weight every time I see him. I hope he can get that under control. Fat guys don't get too old. But, the best show this year will be the best show every year: The Annual Waco Brothers holiday stand at S
  8. Since Nov 8? His favorability rating is rising. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-popular-poll-231694
  9. You don't think the ensuing riots and/or civil war wouldn't be a catastrophe? Or does your fantasy also include everyone accepting this fate with a smile on their face?
  10. Well, at least we can look forward to Trump denouncing (on Twitter) those neo-nazis (I won't call them the alt-right) who saluted him with "Heil Trump" etc. the other day in DC, right? Guys?
  11. https://coinsmakeyoudance.bandcamp.com/album/daft-science This thing is already two years old/stale, but I only learned about it today, via avclub.com
  12. Saw them at Pitchfork fest last summer. Solid.
  13. I think this is a great idea. None of the above. Which means it'll never catch on in congress.
  14. Looks like Daves #21 is a good one. http://www.dead.net/store/special-edition-shops/almanac/daves-picks-2017-subscription?cmpid=dn/2016November17/DontYouLetThisD-GetOneAndGiftOn-main-more-2&eml=2016November17/3805321/6131962&etsubid=146564007
  15. Strong stuff from Ireland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOTpuF0TMzk
  16. Meh - either scenario doesn't matter to me. I read somewhere recently that angry people vote (meaning, those angry people voted for Trump). With either Pence or Trump in charge, I would assume there's going to be a large contingent of angry people (again) in 2020. I would think this will be a one term presidency, but I thought the same thing about Bush Jr.
  17. That's some quality tweeting. It is remarkable that the guy who got the most first place votes was also left off two ballots.
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