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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. There's a recent interview with Trey A. about the upcoming shows (I think it was in Rolling Stone?) - what he's doing to prepare, etc. He mentioned that 74 and 77 are his favorite years. I don't have any shows from 74. Are there any Dick's Pick's or Road Shows that ya'll can recommend? Thanks in advance.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzhSpdPqexY
  3. Fun commercial featuring old Spock and new Spock: http://io9.com/old-spock-battles-new-spock-in-the-greatest-car-commerc-493836696
  4. Am watching this show via chromecast this afternoon: 4/27/77. Capitol Theater. It's supposed to be a full show, but there were some annoying jump cuts in looks like rain. So far...
  5. Yes, but, Abraham Lincoln didn't even GO to college, and he's one of our greatest presidents. Therefore...
  6. "In Search Of" brought me many a nightmare when I was a kid. RIP Mr. Nimoy. http://youtu.be/M6tJQ05YJ58
  7. Scott Walker says that he's ready to confront global terrorism because he dealt with protestors in Madison: http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/294283651.html Keep in mind that never once did Walker ever confront the crowd, unlike some respect-worthy GOP lawmakers, who braved the crowds to go through the front doors. Also, during the prank call, he said he kept a baseball bat in his office for defense. Maybe that's his answer to IS?
  8. I also had a Big Jim action figure along with his Kung fu workout studio. I think he had the patented Kung fu grip. You could press a panel in his back and he'd do a karate chop. I had kneival's wind up motorcycle and his rocket car
  9. Bfro.net Lots of catalogued encounters to read there. Good time waster. Also, bobcat goldthwait directed some "found footage" Bigfoot movie recently. Supposed to be good. I used to have a $6m man action figure. He had panels on his arms that would reveal circuitry, and you could look through the back of his head to see his magnified vision, IIRC. That and my Eval Knieval toys received a lot of mileage.
  10. Love Blur. I'm indifferent over the new single though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp1ks7PTzng
  11. Did you ever waken to the sound of street cats making love? You guess from the cries you were listening to a fight. Well you know, oh know, hate is the last thing they're thinking of. You know they're only tryin' to make it thru the night.
  12. Sad: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/breaking/chi-ernie-banks-remains-20150213-story.html
  13. Right, it's called hypocrisy. Are you at war with everyone who's a hypocrite? Who are you, Holden Caulfield?
  14. I've never said anything about the ethics of "misremembering" an anecdote. I don't watch Fox News, and don't give a shit about their agenda. I won't feel bad is Brian Williams gets canned, nor will I feel good if he keeps his job. He's a millionaire. Congrats on the great career, now go retire more than comfortably. It's all about brand image. None of the news "crimes" that Fox News does, that upsets you so, hurts their brand. Brian Williams has apparently hurt NBC's brand. So, in that sense, yes, it's "ok" to lie and spread misinformation if you are a 24 hour cable channel. I vote wit
  15. I was pleasantly surprised by John Wick this weekend. It should have starred Chow Yun Fat, but Keanu wasn't bad. Nice homage to the Hong Kong shoot-em-ups from the 90s.
  16. That's funny. I was trying to find a way to articulate just that thought. There's an army that was involved in creating Beyonce's album. She's a very talented performer, but I just don't see her as the main creative force behind her own brand. The author of that entry could correct the songwriter credits to 20+ for the most recent album.
  17. You're comparing a cable channel to a network news half hour. NBC rules the roost of network news shows. If NBC thinks Brian Williams is bad for their brand, he'll be sacked. Pretty simple.
  18. Because BW was at the top of the heap. When you're at the top, there's less cover. The top and the best are always held to a higher standard, which is the way it should be.
  19. Funny. I'm definitely a traditionalist. I used to always help my pa shovel the drive when I was a kid, and we didn't use a snowblower. Everyone here in the Chicago burn I live in use snowblowers. During the big snow we had here a couple Sundays ago (17" I heard?). I ended up shoveling the drive and sidewalks three times, but I actually enjoy it. It's good hard work, and there's something so satisfying about looking at the large mounds of show I've created, and the clear driveway, and even the pug-dudu-run I created in the back yard. Then coming into the house, to a warm fire, a beer, a
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