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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. So this settles the stupid fucking Benghazi narrative, right? http://gawker.com/gop-house-report-on-benghazi-concludes-there-is-no-beng-1615741728
  2. Sorry. Will do so today. Moved last week and just set up the computer yesterday.
  3. Sure why not... I enjoy the Monkees.
  4. Blue Ruin. Very intense and well made. Also, Jan Brady's in it for 1 minute.
  5. entertainment product created by a marketing team
  6. I liked Fargo, the series, but it bothered me that the writers didn't bother looking at a map. Bemidji and Duluth are about 3 hours apart, but the characters went back and forth as if they were neighboring cities. Would have made more sense to have the cities be Cloquet and Duluth. Could have done without the Grocery store side story too. Way too ridiculous, and didn't add anything, other than having a funny connection to the movie. The series seemed to be a combination of Fargo and No Country For Old Men. Overall: B+
  7. This is not a question, but please respond if your policy allows.
  8. Can you please overlook your policy and answer just this single question?
  9. I thought the game was very entertaining. Quality chances by both teams. Gotze is such a baby-face, and now he's a national hero. Well done.
  10. I'm trying to think of another band from the 60s and after - in which all of the original members are dead...
  11. Please stop boiling your brats! Simmering in beer is fine, for a few minutes only. When you boil them, you're boiling away a lot of the tasty fat out of the brat. Having said that, a nice fresh kielbasa is my favorite to grill.
  12. Great name. Their namesake has an interesting death story
  13. So good. Here's a good article on him: http://screamer.deadspin.com/the-many-crimes-of-luis-suarez-soccers-notorious-super-1595589954/+billyhaisley
  14. The new First Aid Kit release is nice. The harmonies are beautiful.
  15. Yes, an old drinking song from England.
  16. Thanks! Follow-up question: why do Wales, Scotland, England, and N. Ireland each get their own team? (As opposed to just one for the UK?)
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