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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I did not know this: Brother Theodore provided the voice of Gollum in Rankin/Bass's Hobbit cartoon.
  2. Would one at least be given some kind of notice like "your stereo is working properly - but because you chose option #1, you are not able to hear this song because you had not listened to it before the date you made the choice. Too bad." so they don't have to waste time checking and re-checking all the wires, going to the repair shop, returning the CD for a refund, etc?
  3. The frustrating thing about practicing an instrument would be wondering if you didn't hear the note you just played is because your bass isn't plugged in properly, or is it because it's a tune I haven't heard before. If I picked #1, and I started playing Yesterday on my violin, would I be able to hear it if i was playing it poorly?
  4. Would I be able to listen to someone covering a well-known Beatles' song if they sang it as "Blesterday"?
  5. This choice was meant to be gamed. Any time an old recording gets remastered and re-released, it's a new recording. This thread is named after a movie in which a mother gets to decide which of her two children is going to get gassed, so... yes?
  6. #1 - There's got to be a ton of music that I've heard but was either unaware of it, or don't remember it. I wouldn't be happy knowing I'd never be able to hear Beethoven, or the Beatles, or Elmer & Bugs in What's Opera, Doc, again...
  7. Watched Gravity this weekend, and All is Lost a couple weekends ago. Christ, those were stressful.
  8. But even so - if the pilot just changed course slowly, and nothing else was amiss, I think it would be difficult to know you're not heading in the right direction - most of the plane was probably asleep at that time (I think it was 1:30am?)
  9. I don't think planes can receive cell reception above 10,000 unless the plane has their picocell turned on. I'm assuming the pilot turned that shit off.
  10. That was a nice read. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Again? Why would I watch it a first time?
  12. I can't stand any of them. They're gross creeps. But I will not stop rocking out when I hear "Get up! And get your grandma out of here..." Wish I would have saved my KISS cards.
  13. The whole thing has given me a new-found respect for Seth MacFarlane.
  14. Does classical music count towards the year it was composed, or the year it was recorded?
  15. Officials: Here's some closure. Your family members are dead. Family: What happened??? Officials: ...
  16. I liked the version that Talk Soup/Community put together
  17. *shudder* I used to waste a lot of time reading the first-hand encounter stories on bfro.net.
  18. I think you're right. And, I agree with bjorn's take on Marty's daughter. I read another article, that pointed out, and asked - why was there - in Marty's daughter's room, a painting of flowers (I'm really trying not to think of "making flowers" right now, dammit) - that was the EXACT SAME of the mural that was in the children's hospital - where the little girl that they rescued from Reggie LeDoux's meth trailer. What was with that??
  19. I always thought that Under The Bridge would sound better sung by Bill Murray's Lounge Singer guy.
  20. Bigfoot, Atlantis, Abominable Snowman - woke up screaming about that one - still something I get teased about - but I'm not sure whether the Abominable Snowman nightmares were the result of In Search Of, or Rudolph's Christmas Special.
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