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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. 6 playoffs wins in a row is "starting to pull it together" ???
  2. I've been obsessed with tUnE-YaRdS: Water Fountain.
  3. Queens of the Stone Age. Aragon Theater. Chicago.
  4. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/kirby-puckett-charged-sexual-assault
  5. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Charles-Hawtrey-Deaf-T-shirt-Pygmy/dp/B005IW8QI8
  6. Regarding Rite of Spring, I was thinking more of the riot that ensued, and not of the zoot suit variety.
  7. I don't know... Seems like "special treatment" would have meant not arresting them at all...
  8. Makes sense. http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-paul-simon-domestic-violence-arrest-0429-20140428,0,2379548.story
  9. She's not aware of too many things, but she knows what she knows if you know what I mean?
  10. I think someone has to press charges for those crimes. So, assuming neither of them were willing to press charges against the other, the police could still make a disorderly conduct arrest.
  11. People used to make fun of me for taking my bike seat with me when I would lock up my bike. "Who's going to steal a bike seat?" they would ask. Now I feel totally vindicated. Fuckers.
  12. the 2nd half of the George doc is like the 2nd half of his career. Kinda boring and uninspired (though I love him so). I haven't seen Cape Fear since it was out - so I'm definitely interested in seeing again. My memory is probably more familiar with the Simpsons' parody at this point. (I can see Sideshow Bob repeatedly stepping on the rakes more easily than any solid memory I have of Cape Fear).
  13. For me, the Aviator has only gotten better with age. I think he has three masterpieces: Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, and Goodfellas, and then he has a big handful of great, but lesser movies, which includes Last Temptation, Casino, King of Comedy, Wolf of Wall Street, The Departed, The Aviator, No Direction Home, After Hours, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Mean Streets, Age of Innocence, Hugo... Gangs of New York has a ton of brilliant quotable moments from Daniel Day Lewis, but the movie's kind of a mess.. I haven't seen Boxcar Bertha or Shine a Light, haven't watched New York New York a
  14. I recall reading that he's only paid back about $11 million, of the $100+ million he was ordered to. And that was only from sales of his property - so he actually hasn't paid back anything from his earnings (from the movie, from the book, from his speaking engagements, etc.) Great movie, though I'm not sure where I would rank it in Scorsese's career. I think his five best are: Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, No Direction Home, and The Aviator.
  15. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  16. I remember being very upset around the Andy Kaufman / Jerry Lawler brouhaha. It was very unsettling for me. I was 12 or 13 around then.
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