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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. What about the various kids' "knowledge" of the crimes? Who was the kid who drew the spaghetti monster with green ears? Or Marty's daughter - what did she know? Was she just drawing pictures of Urban Legends? Was the spaghetti monster kid doing the same thing? or were there kids/potential victims that had witnessed awful things, but had escaped? What about the maid in episode 7, who started freaking out "Carcosa! Carcosa!" - Had she witnessed terrible crimes? (was she also drugged on meth/LSD, like the other victims, so that it was an awful hallucination?) I was eating stirfry during the
  2. Along with Sagan/Cosmos awe/depression I had as a kid, there were a lot of "In Search Of" inspired nightmares. I think I lost a lot of ambition afterI tried to fathom the size of the universe. It was just so soul crushing to me.
  3. I would definitely give room to the idea that Errol Childress was also doing awful things on his own, so perhaps everything after Marie Fontenot was his own doing, but there's really nothing there to prove either way. And, who was the guy with the sewn-up lips in the creepcabin? IIRC, Errol called him "daddy", so was that Sherriff Ted Childress?
  4. Errol Childress was the son of Sherriff Ted Childress, who was a bastard son of Sam Tuttle. Sam Tuttle was Billy Lee Tuttle's father. Sherriff Childress was the one who dismissed the Marie Fontenot missing persons report.
  5. I had the same emotional response - hard to describe - as I had when I was a kid watching the original Sagan-Cosmos, when he was describing and showing how large the universe is (when they keep moving back the magnification 10x). It was like a mixture of depression and awe.
  6. Because we would automatically vote for Speedy Gonzales? That's nice...
  7. Now I'm craving What's Opera, Doc, and Barber of Seville.
  8. Agreed. I thought that Rust and Marty even lamented (when they were in the hospital) that they were only able to get Errol, and not any of the higher-ups involved.
  9. "Dorse" was a character on Ruth Buzzi's and Jim Nabors' "The Lost Saucer" - half dog/half horse. I have no idea why the original poster misspelled it.
  10. So, if you learn that Gore has already retrofitted his house with solar panels, rain-water collecting do-hickeys, and geo-thermal heating system, we're all good?
  11. Whether or not Al Gore is an energy-hogging hypocrite doesn't change the facts and data that support the climate change thesis he espouses.
  12. You do know that both Lou Reed and Ike Turner were guests on Gorillaz albums, right?
  13. I don't know - malware designed to send all your account info to a Nigerian prince, or something?
  14. I remember it being really sunny and hot, but a cohort somehow swiped an empty gallon jug from somewhere, and we kept it filled with water - we all took shifts of being the jugmiser. If I recall correctly, that was the very beginning of the X reunion.
  15. ooh. Our chief tech guy at work says that Androids account for 90% of all hacked phones, and almost a third of Androids are hacked before they're even shipped. sorry.
  16. There's definitely a 2nd season coming up. http://www.thewrap.com/true-detective-know-season-2/
  17. My favorite big time concert was my first one - seeing U2 on their Unforgettable Fire tour, when I was in 9th grade, in the Minneapolis Armory. As far as festivals go, my all-time favorite was the Guinness Fleadh they threw at Arlington Racetrack in 98. Saw Wilco, Los Lobos, X, Shane MacGowan, Squeeze, John Lee Hooker, Richard Thompson, who else? Quite the line-up. Small Show - seeing Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros at The Quest in Minneapolis. I forget the year. Summer of 99?
  18. The loose ends regarding Marty's daughter really freak me out - and goes into the whole "right under your nose" and "flat circle" themes that the show had.
  19. I see what you mean, but do we really want to see them at their desks for hours on end, trying to make something click, going through file after file, to see how long it took to arrive at the eureka moment about "hey wait a second, green ears..."
  20. I really miss the happy hour at Liquor Lyles in Minneapolis. I wonder if they still serve the free pickled herring.
  21. Where the hell is that plane?
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