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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Here's mine: Charlie Brown Christmas: Vince Guaraldi Trio A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector Three Suites: Duke Ellington Christmas Caravan: Squirrel Nut Zippers Christmas Cookin': Jimmy Smith Songs for Christmas: Sufjan Stevens Ella Wishes You a Swingin' Christmas: Ella Fitzgerald What are yours?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwFek4V5aP4 Could watch this over and over - so freaking fast! Great Swans soundtrack too.
  3. Trade: Tigers get Cespedes, Boston gets Porcello. CESPEDES! Movement of jah Left Field.
  4. I agree that kids should pay their own tuition or work in the mines.
  5. Thx for the tip. I hesitated on the first round, then regretted on missing out. First saw them 30 years ago. The Joey Ramone song reminds me how I felt at age 15 seeing U2 on their Unforgettable Fire tour. My pa drove us up to Minneapolis and got himself dinner, then patiently waited for us to find him after the show. I'm sure we drove him nuts on the drive home, singing "40" over and over and over.
  6. Same song, but through a different band: Calexico. I remember as a kid being surprised that Come Together came from the Beatles and not from Aerosmith.
  7. Is this the story that will make us forget about Ferguson? http://gawker.com/horny-old-man-may-one-day-forget-night-with-teen-twins-1663995301/all Or this? http://gawker.com/creed-singer-scott-stapp-is-broke-and-living-in-a-holid-1663876906
  8. Long story short: busted selling bunk opium to a cop. Short story long: I was traveling into the show form out-of-state with a bunch of friends. None of us were holding any fun-time comestibles, but we were into the light stuff, bunch of potheads who dabbled in mushrooms. We didn't think much of our predicament, because our experience at previous Alpine Valley shows was that you could get what you desired at the show parking lot. When we got there, we started the grand tour of the parking lot, but we encountered nary an offer. Strange... So we made our way back to our car, and another fri
  9. Huh - I guess it was 88 and 89 then? Was 90 the year they went to Tinley Park instead? I have bad stories about that one. Spent a couple nights in the hoosegow.
  10. I gave up on Walking Dead after the first season - the finale was way to hokey for me. But I'm under the impression that the show has improved since then?
  11. I picked up the May 1977 box set a while ago, and have really been enjoying it. I just started really listening to GD shows about a year ago. Started with Europe 72, which led to Europe 72 II, then Live/Dead, then the Sunshine Daydream show, then a couple Dick's Picks (I forget the numbers, but they were both from Sept 72), then eventually the From the Vault I, and then the May 77 box. I saw GD 2x - both times at Alpine Valley - for their entire runs there. I think it was in 89 and 90.
  12. "Music that the kids are into since 1950, except jazz or broadway musicals or country" Hall of Fame. Can't let those damn roaring 20s Flappers in there!!
  13. What?!? That album is definitely essential for Oingo Boingo fans! I was probably in 6th or 7th grade when that album came out, and I loved it. (Probably haven't listened to it since) But - "Who do you want to be today?" - the album's opening track, is definitely essential Oingo Boingo. I think the Cash - American Recordings are essential Johnny Cash. Los Lobos' Town in the City (released in 2006 - David Hidalgo was 52 at the time) is essential Los Lobos. It's their finest record since Kiko.
  14. Mostly agreed. I think Unforgettable Fire is my nostalgic favorite. I was 14 or so when I saw that tour, and it knocked me on my ass. I'm not a fan of most of the newer stuff, but I did enjoy reading the liner notes for the new Apple album. IMHO, the last "great" songs they wrote are both from Zooropa: Zooropa, and Stay (Faraway so Close!)
  15. Probably a wise choice, Scotland. Though this descendant of Scot immigrants harbored romantic notions of an independent Scotland.
  16. Nice start, Doug C. You're leaving the rest of us in the dust.
  17. So sad. Mork and Mindy's run started when I was 8 and ended when I was 12. Was definitely one of my favorite shows.
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