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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. probably practicing his awesome bass lines on Immigrant Song? Good way to go.
  2. Add the singing, technical ability, arachnid-related songwriting, french-horn playing, dancing ability, and beard growing up any way you want, and weight them accordingly. If we were to hold an open draft of The Who, Entwistle would be my #1 pick. nice one.
  3. Shit. I suppose that it's easy to make the argument for Paul Mc. and John E., but I guess I don't hear enough praise for JPJ usually.
  4. I'd feel sorry for him if he thought the White Sox were going to win the World Series this year, and then I'd get over it and offer to make a bet with him.
  5. The bassists are the most musically talented members of the following bands: The Beatles Led Zeppelin The Who
  6. Dems would target Christie for not hugging Obama tightly enough?
  7. And, why aren't there any stories coming out of Washington yet? Is their D-Day delayed?
  8. I just think that if Joe Citizen Colorado gets it in his head that hell, there's gold in them thar plants, and he wants to try his hand at bootlegging, he's going to find that setting up an out-of-state network is difficult as hell, and not profitable if his start-up costs are already high (so to speak). Bootlegging profits are derived from volume, and Joe Citizen isn't set up to distribute in volume. On the other hand, Joe Criminal Colorado, who might already have a distribution network set up, is going to ignore the high-priced legal stuff, and continue with the underground product, which
  9. If the dispensaries are growing it themselves (they are) then I doubt it's shitty product. Maybe it's not the cream of the crop, but it's far from schwag. Shitty product is grown wild outdoors, and has a shitload of seeds.
  10. OK, so a CO citizen, is going to show their ID to buy legal weed, taxes and all, 1 oz at a time, to drive across the border to sell? 1) Wouldn't an enterprising bootlegger have a better business model? 2) Isn't there enough illegal weed EVERYWHERE that would be cheaper to buy than the taxed CO stuff?
  11. So people who are willing to break Federal Law (who weren't before?) are presenting their ID to legally buy CO pot, a 1/4oz at a time, to bring back to sell in their home state? If they're going to commit a crime, wouldn't it be easier just to get the illegal pot that was already present in their home state?
  12. The band is really clicking on the ACL broadcast. I had no idea about it until it turned up on my DVR. Was pleasantly surprised last night. The setlist heavily favored the latest album, with most older tracks coming from Songs for the Deaf. Next week is Neko Case and Jason Isbell.
  13. For those in the polar vortex (I love that term) that have ceiling fans: In the winter, reverse the motor and operate the ceiling fan at low speed in the clockwise direction (so that the lower part of the blade is leading. In summer, the fan should be going counterclockwise - so that the higher part of the blade is leading). This produces a gentle updraft, which forces warm air near the ceiling down into the occupied space.
  14. Nice appearance on Austin City Limits this past weekend: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/videos/queens-of-the-stone-age-kick-off-new-year-on-austin-city-limits-20140105
  15. I saw them open for Tom Petty at Summerfest (milwaukee) a couple years ago. I'm guessing they clocked in at right around an hour. It was a great show. All of their 80s hits sound great when played with a skuzzy fuzz, instead of the 80s sheen. Was happy to hear Just Got Paid.
  16. Is Global Warming Causing Harsher Winters?
  17. The crazy thing is - it snowed like mad here over the weekend. I'm guessing at least 8 inches? So the alleyways are one big clusterfluck, and the city doesn't plow alleyways. There's a 3 foot drift leaning against my garage door, but I'm trying to figure out how to clear it. Because where would I put the shoveled snow? There's nowhere to put it. I can move it out of my way, but that means it's in someone else's way. Thank Satan that I don't have to deal with street parking and "dibs" Yesterday I helped push out two stuck cars on my way home, and this morning I saw someone brushing off a f
  18. Currently -14 in Chicago. It didn't seem too bad heading to the EL this morning. The wind wasn't bad, and I was pretty bundled up. But apparently the wind chill is something like -37 here. Yikes.
  19. But we can be sad that Phil Everly died, no?
  20. The Clash debut - the drums sound so shitty on that album.
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