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Everything posted by suites

  1. suites

    Two Questions

    Nice I was at the show as well......great show.
  2. Anytime Neil Young and Crazy Horse opens with Hey Hey My My...it is/was the real deal.
  3. Had 2 in 3rd row org in Atlanta but could not pull trigger.....11 hours from South Florida and must pick up at will call...so I could not commit. I am praying that they come back down to Sunny South Florida Soon.
  4. Maybe on this already but too lazy to look back: On How I Met Your Mother, Ted said he had the new Wilco CD to lure girls up to his apartment. When he got there Barney broke the CD. At the very end they played Passenger Side for like 30 seconds.
  5. suites

    Two Questions

    I will play. 1. After I read a review of Being There in Rolling Stone, I got both BT and AM. 2. Saw them open up for the Jayhawks in 1995 or 1996 (before I knew who Wilco was). I may have had a drink with JT or JB? I fell in love with Tomorrow the Green Grass and went to see Jayhawks. Then I saw them again when they opened for Sheryl Crow. First time I saw them headline was after Jay left on the YHF tour in West Palm Beach (when Wilco was only 4 Jeff, John, Glen, and LeRoy) only concert I ever went to by myself (Wife did not want to miss the Dolphin Monday Night Game).
  6. How do you hear the song...do you have to download and do you have to pay....BS.
  7. I wish there some Florida Dates but we did get a few on the last tour so I really shouldn't complain....OK sorry I Will....come to FLA
  8. I think I may have seen his last public performance at Further concert in Boca, he came out a did a few songs. Sounded great but I heard he was not very well because Bobby had said that he was wheeled to the stage and off the stage. Real big loss for music in general.
  9. Not sure of the date. I came across this and can't remember seeing on this board. Forgive me if this was previously posted. http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2010/May/Interview_Nels_Cline.aspx?Page=1
  10. Not sure of the date. I came across this and can't remember seeing on this board. Forgive me if this was previously posted. http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2010/May/Interview_Nels_Cline.aspx?Page=1
  11. The Heyday was when TWEEDYGIRL was the top poster...then she went away to college. Also guys like RONAN
  12. Epic Webcast last night....3+ hours....synced in perfect with the Heat game. Erica Badu killed 3 songs and JJ was on fire....best live band out there today ar at least = to Drive By Truckers and Wilco.
  13. the whole thing is boring to me....rehash stuff from 30 years ago. Plant was right to pass on the LZ thing. I saw the Wall Tour and the production was great but 50% of the music and 90% of the vocals were piped in.
  14. I taped Jacksonville in 2008, Clearwater last year. The only reason I did not tape Miami last year is because I wanted to stand on the rail and I knew that another person was recording. I wish I had taped earlier shows but did not get into until around 2006-7. The show I went to in 2002 West Palm Beach never came out well as other south florida shows (Opening for Sheryl Crow in 1997, Pompano in 2004).
  15. Yeah...I guess they are starting to come out now....3 shows in 4 days.
  16. I have been noticing that less shows are being taped lately. Come on guys we need to document every show. Already 4 shows this tour and I have not heard a single recording. We can do better.
  17. My friend just landed today and he is fired up. I am going to live vicariously through him.
  18. Right it was Dudley. I always think of that and the Whats Happening with the Doobie Brothers (2 parts)...Rerun was taping the show because he had a debt to pay....LLLLLOOOOLLLL
  19. Did that really happen...I remember when Mr. Carleson from WKRP molested them.
  20. Nice list...amazing that they have so many great songs already...sometimes we take it for granted....Pot Kettle Black...I's a Wheel...many others not on list
  21. Very sad day for TV in general. Replacing them with a cooking show and a lifestyle show. My wife is very sad.
  22. If this is ACL there is a great version of Helpless that they do.
  23. Wilco will go on as long and Jeff wants it to. John, Glenn, Nels are all important but if they left or got "let go", the band would continue....in order of importance J,G,N.
  24. I just thought this was funny....unless U2 really has a song called.......... The place can get loud, with rock music blaring — a portion of the Yard House website is dedicated to songs that are played during select meal times. Lunch time tunes feature tunes like Led Zeppelin’s Fool in the Rain while dinner hits include U2’s Love Comes Tumbling. The Yard House features Happy Hour specials from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, offering half-price pizzas, $6.75 sliders
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