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Everything posted by suites

  1. EVIL http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.plaidstallions.com/evel/ektoys.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.plaidstallions.com/evel/index.html&usg=__qSpBCKb7r9hT9RRgbBGs59i8Myo=&h=298&w=450&sz=15&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=EK_XVFeK6NJ5oM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=156&ei=nF1xTfeNCdSltwf3xuWMDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Devel%2Bknievel%2Btoys%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DIfd%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D641%26tbs%3Disch:1%26prmd%3Divnso&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=122&vpy=195&dur=74&hovh=183&hovw=2
  2. Sad we live in a world where: K$sha, Jason Marz, STP, MGMT are on line above Wilco. What a joke.
  3. sorry if this was posted already but it is funny.
  4. She only has 1 song really...the other is a cover.
  5. The Lady A song is a reworked version of Eye in the Sky so I don't understand how it is a great song now but in 1980? when Alan Parsons did it they got no Grammy. Try to understand this....Neil Young won his FIRST music Grammy ever last night.
  6. I Don't thunk Bragg and JT really like each other
  7. You and I at Publix (supermarket)...well my wife heard it.
  8. Funny...I did not notice you...I was a couple back in front of Cooley. Great show, I love those guys. Actually hung around the bus and met a few of them after show.
  9. He played with DBT last night for a couple of songs.
  10. It says in this article that Late Summer is possible release date. http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2011/01/wilco_record_label_dbpm_records_easthampton_eastworks.html Wilco’s not-yet-titled next album will be out in late summer, said Deborah Bernardini, head of marketing and public relations for dBpm.
  11. I think Police qualify...Sting solo does not count. Like Nirvana...not enough albums to qualify.
  12. Great that they announced some dates..... But in the wrong states. Florida loves wilco
  13. Also, I don't think CODA is part of the equation because is was not really an album that they recorded to be an album...it was taken over time and like what they had in the vaults at the time. What about the Clash?
  14. Which Led Zep is less than steller?
  15. I was thinking of groups/solo who have every studio album they ever made great....and only a few came to my mind. Need more than a few Albums (Nirvana would not qualify). Led Zeppelin - Only In Through The Out Door would be less than a grade of A. Beatles CCR VU Wilco - Still going but so far so good. any other groups qualify
  16. So I am on my way to the Culture Room right now to see...."An Evening With DBT". Last time I saw an "Evening With" (Wilco) it was epic. Totally fired up.
  17. Maybe they will play some dates around this......Late April Early may is good time to tour the southeast, with at least 2 Florida dates. I was just thinking that I have been crying for shows in Florida for as long as this board has been up (the days when Tweedy Girl was the #1 poster). Overall I think the band has been great to the Southeast...lets hope it continues.
  18. doubt much change in setlist...they have been pretty consistant with them but who knows maybe they will go crazy and make a change or too. They are getting a little expensive with the new pricing. I am going to have to spend $175 for a decent seat in Ft. Lauderdale.
  19. I agree on the Florida Theatre show....it was great but people wanted to sit down. Last tour I saw both the Fillmore Show and the Tampa Show...no contest with Fillmore better becasue of the GA standing vs. reserved in a theatre. I have been to almost every Florida show since YHF but I did not go to that Gainesville show. I saw the show at Carefree in Palm Beach and that was a great show....bare bones with only 4 members at that time...and I remember they did We've Been Had and they did Laminated Cat.
  20. Trip had to be in like 74-75 because Kashmir came out in 1975.
  21. Last night on Private Practice.......The Thanks I Get. I have never watched the show but was flipping around at 10:55....whole song was played basically.
  22. Not to sound like a D&*^ but. The reason his voice sounded so good is that it is "tracked heavily" and if he was not trying to make a bunch of cash he would not have average ticket price of like $150-$200. That being said I did think the show was awesome and I am sure it costs big $$$ to put a production like that on but don't kid yourself this is a money grub and he is on auto pilot night after night. The show clocks in to almost the exact timing every night.
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