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Everything posted by suites

  1. I have heard he may be done...for real I have only seen one picture of him in last year or so on the internet and fan sites think maybe he has health issues.
  2. Nice....looks like no recording will come out they had some sort of ban because of a problem with a taper...all kinds of drama over there...hope that never happens with Wilco...seems like we are 1 step away from a ban.
  3. New Razor Gillette Pro Glide (Power)...best ever
  4. He did tour in the early nineties for sure. I think it may have been only Japan but I remember Clapton played lead and I heard some of the bootlegs. In fact I think they have a live release.
  5. I think I have done this before but I will list a few. Live Aid - Had General Admission seats, got in line at 5:00am watch a couple people scale the walls of JFK...nuts. Magical day when they announced Led Zeppelin and when Plant said...does anyone remember laughter? I know the performance was widely panned (even from the players) at the moment it didn't matter. Neil Young - "Smell the Horse Tour" 1991. First row right in front of Neil. Got those tickets because I was in line since 8:00am on day when they went on sale....no other person ever came...at 10 the guy at the store went on
  6. Great show...my second favorite drama (Lost). My 15 year old and his friends call me CT (Coach Taylor)....because I have been coaching them in sports for 10 years...it makes me laugh. IN fact they started calling my wife T squared (Tammy Taylor)...lol
  7. What about Willy Wonka that is a blatant ripoff....off WIO.
  8. Can't you give us something more than an estimate....we need exact numbers. I always round to 29 or 39
  9. Just amazing really....words can not describe that video.
  10. The version he had from the ten man working era kicks ass
  11. SEA BEAST on SyFy In the fishing village of Cedar Bay, terror lies within the water. And now it has surfaced in search of something more substantial to devour than marine life: human flesh. A captain and a sea biologist must wage a terrifying battle against the deadly creatures in order to save mankind from total extinction.
  12. Please tell me your joking...if you are that is funny if your not that is weird.
  13. Misunderstood How many "Nothings" do you have in you.
  14. If you look at the Neil tours recently he starts off short then it grows. When I saw the 1st Greendale show...he did Greendale and only 3 "old songs"....as the tour went he was up to 10 or so "old songs". Time will tell. The show was around 95 minutes according to the recording.
  15. Listened to recording from DIME...sounds really good. Hitchhiker was epic. Set could have been longer for the amount of the ticket prices...but overall I wish he would come down to South Florida soon.
  16. I bought the remastered version like 15 years ago on CD...no new tracks. Amazing that they can sell so many of what they already sold.....Is the sound that much better that it is going to make a difference. Jeez: Reel to Reel Vinyl 8 track Cassette CD DVD Air how many way to we need to buy the same thing.
  17. I have seen that he was very sick for a while now and they did just canceled a tour. Shame.
  18. One of my friends who I musically respect very much...told me this.... His wife wanted to go to Urban a few years ago...so he took her and a couple of her friends and said he was expecting to get wasted and just hand...but when Urban started playing he said the show was A+ and had said the Urban was a great guitarist and performer and he was really into it.
  19. That was me and believe me I am not a big fan of S. Crow. I did see Wilco open up for her at Sunrise Musical Theatre in 1997 and walked out after 4 songs of SC set (although she did look good in black mini dress) I thought that she did a nice job with song.
  20. It is really crazy on what the prices are for these tickets $750 VIP (I could have pulled 3 row center)..$450 2nd Teir (I could have pulled best side section row 3)....I will end up paying $225 for decent lowers....got bless him...plus he added show in Ft. Lauderdale so they must be selling. Really all the "old acts" are pigging out now...Neil Young, Rush, James Taylor, Who,...A real shame.
  21. Check this out...must be a record. Virgin Mobile Presents the Monster Ball Tour Starring Lady Gaga AmericanAirlines Arena Miami, FL Wed, Apr 13, 2011 08:00 PM Email this to a friendEmail this to a friend Event Info Onsale Dates & Times Ticket Prices Please Note... See More For the CitiĀ® Cardmember Preferred Seating Offer Only: Tickets can only be purchased with a Citi credit card. Citi and Citi with Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc. Password Information for the CitiĀ® Cardmember Preferred Ticket Offer: Enter the first 6-digits of your credit card account numb
  22. They are going to have to get lucky with a new personality...because Michael is the show now. Jim and Pam stories are going to be hard and Dwight as well. Hard to keep it going forever.
  23. I agree. Song just does not do it for me...never takes off. I have them both recorded and it is from the earlier appearance because they are all wearing the same clothes. They moved Pat's keys to the back for the 2nd performance. Still great to see them anytime on TV.
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