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Everything posted by suites

  1. They have been moving BBN in opening spot a few times (not since An Evening With Wilco Miami Show) but the previous tour had BBN opening in a few cities.
  2. Next show will be webcast too. Capturing the webcasts have proven to be tough in the past for a number of reasons.....including drop outs and connection errors. Good luck if anyone wants to capture and put up on BT sites.
  3. They were doing that song at many shows...I heard it at Sunrise Music Theatre...dont remember the tour...saw them at least 15 times
  4. suites

    Set Lists

    36 songs on Durham, is that enough....how bout, Cant Stand it, Ashes, Out of Mind, How To Fight...,Shes a Jar, Company in my Back, Laminated Cat, Someday, Some Morning. I would guess they are up to over 60 different songs played in like 7 shows.
  5. suites

    Set Lists

    Wrong....They have been playing 8-12 song different every night...that is more then anyone else does. They are not going to play 20-25 songs different each night. Tweedy guitar changes give us fans a preview to guess what is coming up next...I was 75% at Miami with my guesses.
  6. Just great...where do you think that was from...a soundcheck but where?
  7. I have read some complaints about the lack of variety so for this tour and I am just shocked that some would really think that. Without getting into details I have counted over 55 different songs played so far after 5 dates and an average of 33 songs or so per night. I saw both Miami and Clearwater and I think at some point at the Clearwater show they did 7 songs in a row that they did not play the night before. There is not really another group that would do that (except maybe the Dead and Pearl Jam). We should all just appreciate what we are seeing and stop trying to find things that
  8. They said family matter but I think ticket sales were weak.
  9. My recording usually come out better but I had the Low Cut on instead of off....so it messed it up.
  10. Did anyone see or hear about Keith Richards and/or Ron Wood? My friend says he saw one of them with kid at the show.
  11. Stu...you are the man with the Rolls Royce Equipment....good for you...I am sure they came out great....Thanks a lot. I have the R09 with Church Mics and Pre...but I messed up my settings....so Clearwater came out bad and I did not tape MIA because I saw 2 stands up. So thanks again and I will be checking E-Tree
  12. Nice review..I was Row f...off center in front of Nels....Must have missed you.....We meet in Jacksonville in 2008. I did actually record the show...but I had some equipment problems so i will see if I can fix.
  13. On phone so sorry for spelling errors in advance. Saw Miami and clear. Glad I saw both. Miami had more energy but the rarities at clear were sweet. Bob Dylan and not fir the season. Just sick no break at clear to setup the small stage. Band us really peaking right now I will have more notes when I get back to my real computer
  14. Sick.....Sick....Sick show. Best I ever saw them and best show period for me that I remember. Thanks to the ladies who had the "secret entrance" which got us on the rail right in front of Nels. That guy is so right on it is crazy. You guys made the show really fun for me and my 17 year old son. Just a really great performance from the band and South Florida did step up to have a great showing. I heard the show did actually sell out right at the end. Well on to Clearwater. ps: I decided not to tape the show, but I did see 2 stands, so hopefully we will get those recordings.
  15. I will be....on the road around 11ish......see you there. Row F
  16. suites

    Miami Show

    Bob.....I will be in red DBT shirt...come say hi to me....love to meet you....I will be in line early...how bout you. Hal
  17. suites

    Miami Show

    Time to start to get fired up....just about 24 hours and counting.
  18. suites

    Miami Show

    I think I might get there around 5 or so...I agree with requests.....I really want to hear PP and Reservations (as I talk about in another thread).
  19. suites

    Miami Show

    Getting fired up for the Miami Show....who is coming? Is anyone going to tape. I tape many shows but I was hoping that I did not have to tape this show because I want to be on the rail and the tape will not come out that good. I was hoping that someone would be taping.
  20. I will be there...but I always request Poor Places going into Reservations...which I think can be the best 10 minutes of any show that they play it. I wish us all success. Hal
  21. The Fillmore is pretty big holds around 2500-3000 This will be the largest SF crowd for them (not including Langerado). they say only 200 left...dont worry it will be OK.
  22. I was at the Rock Hall Annex in NYC....(I think they closed it now) but they had some great handwriten stuff......Most if not all of Born to Run and Billy Joel "notebook" with all songs from The Stranger. They also had letters between Simon and Garfunkel when they went to summer camp...just great stuff. The place was really great. Shame nobody went so they closed it. The day we went there was maybe 15 people in the entire place.
  23. Really a joke.....rehersals for some buttsh.....he is a weird guy and for some reason he does not want to come...he shouldbe honest.
  24. Not really talking about the songs as much as the attitude.
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