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Everything posted by suites

  1. Sweet and they are coming to South Florida.......will be front and center for that show.
  2. Just got done watching the last episode and I have to say it was really a great show. I wish they had renewed so we can see what was next for all of them. I think it was Judd Apatow's first real show....plus they had a great cast. You really feel for them and they are very realistic. Last show had a Grateful Dead thing going and they played Ripple and Box of Rain.
  3. Sort of? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Cut_(album)
  4. If you join this class action suit you will get $.15 maybe after the lawyers get the fee......just like raped a 2nd time.
  5. suites

    Farm Aid

    showing him right now...3 songs so far Sunken Treasure Mountainbed I'll Fight
  6. It is explained at this site....interesting. http://www.futurerocklegends.com/index.php
  7. I saw the show last night...great show. If anyone wants to DL the show I recorded and posted on DIME. http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=323709
  8. I w0s just standing 2 feet away from the master in Hollywood Florida at a LincVolt Press conference before his show tonight at the Hard Rock. It was sick.....I will post some pix later. The man is a world treasure. I had goose bumps standing that close to him.......Rock on.
  9. So True. It is amazing that those bands were really loved during their time...now they are shit on in a big way. I don't understand how I like them so much then and can't listen to a single song today and enjoy. I remember seeing Styx during early eighties and thought they were the bomb...what was I thinkning. I should have been seeing the Clash.
  10. Yeah...Petty really frustrates me because he has ability to play a great set each night...but he never even plays 2 hours and does not play any new music. I saw the opening night (US) of Greendale and most people in the crowd had no idea he would not be playing the "hits"...they wee pissed. I thought it was great...but it just showed the massive balls he had to sell tickets for 15,000 and then play something nobody ever heard (the album was not even out yet)....now he is playing Solo with like 6 songs anyone heard...that man is the man.
  11. for the person that said Rust Never Sleeps was the last classic album.....what about Ragged Glory...that is epic...and for the person that said he is not really an artist anymore......I don't think that you really mean that. The guy continues to put out new and interesting stuff (not everthing is that great) but at least he makes new music and does not do the great hits thing like 99.9% of the other due (Rolling Stones, Who, Tom Petty, Roger Waters and the list goes on and on)
  12. I agree those 3 in a row is really all they need to play for me to be happy
  13. Very cool. When I see that type of stuff I wish they had that for Led Zeppelin.
  14. I have had that station on Direct TV since before that show happened and I have have never seen that. I look on a adaily basis for new shows on that station and have never come across it. I would love to see it. They were showing the Farm Aid from a few years ago (or last year) on the 101 and it even said Wilco on the guide which was cool.
  15. Yes...Wilco, MMJ, Black Crowes, Neil Young, Bruce, Justin Beeber
  16. below is the breakdown of bands at the NY State Fair this yr and what they were getting paid shows that you had to buy tickets for Grandstand Performers: Guarantees: Aerosmith $1,000,000 Jeff Dunham $200,000 Rihanna $410,000 Justin Bieber $250,000 Rush $450,000 Tim McGraw $500,000 Rascal Flats $602,500 Total: $3,412,500 shows that are free Chevy Court Performers: Guarantees: En Vogue $26,500 Kool and the Gang $53,000 Blue Oyster Cult $18,000 Kansas $35,000 Adam Richman $25,000 Styx $65,000 Trailer Choir $15,000 Blues Traveler $15,000 St
  17. Maybe they will hang around for the Black Crowes and do Willin' that would be a blast from the past.
  18. yes but this is much more extensive...I agree it is a lot...but still no as much as Neil Young...I have to sell my car to get the NY
  19. YES YES and YES. This looks more than awesome. Thanks Bruce
  20. First time I heard "Listen To This Eddie" boot from 1977 LA I was blown away at the quality and the power of JHB. He was double time on "The Song Remains the Same" just awesome.
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