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Everything posted by suites

  1. So who is it (in your opinion)? Also, solo acts don't count (Bruce, Hendrix, Petty.......)
  2. ONE SUNDAY MORNING - Barnes and Noble......11/22/11.
  3. With Arcade Fire not only getting a nomination last year, they actually won the big one. I think there is like 25% chance that TWL gets some nominations.
  4. Best American Band Ever is an interesting exercise but I think you are missing some key bands.....Aerosmith, Allman Brothers, Doors, Eagles, Pearl Jam, Van Halen, Metallica, Ramones. I don't think there is 100% answer. Like when you talk about the best bands ever (period), it is common argument that Beatles, Stones (1 and 2 or reversed), it is not like that with American Bands. Tough Call. This is from Gibson. http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/Features/top-american-bands-0701-2011/
  5. Good work in moving......Offer still stands.....Italian Feast At my house.
  6. For those who have been on this board since the beginning will remember that I was the original Florida voice. So I will second your frustration. Come on wilco come to Florida. We have the best weather in the winter and my wife will cook you up the best pasta and meatballs.
  7. Just read this quote from Keith..... If they toured with this in mind it might be pretty cool. The question on everyone’s mind, of course, is whether or not the band will tour to celebrate reaching the half-century mark, and Richards sounds as eager as ever to hit the road and crank up the amps. He’s organizing jam sessions with bandmates Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts in London next month, and when asked if his longtime foil Mick Jagger was invited, he responded, “Of course. I mean, everybody’s welcome. I was going to ask Bill Wyman to come by too. And Mick Taylor. The whole lot. They’re a
  8. I have heard Pure Imagination, and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oavMtUWDBTM This tour it is nothing (at lease from what the recordings have), I wonder why
  9. How bout the Floyd re-issues. What is with these guys how many different ways do you need the same songs. I bought the remaster of Exile in the last 90's then 10 years later the remaster it again....what a joke. I think I bought every zep album in Album, Cassette, CD............it goes on and on...enough already.
  10. Love Petty and definite HOFer but I have to say his live show has been pretty boring the last few times I saw him. No variety and short sets. If he played some of his deep cuts and played an actual encore (not just American Girl and Running Down a Dream) that would be cool. Just seems like he hits cruise control and that is it.
  11. To quote Uncle Neil............1. The feedback is back 2. It's all One Song.
  12. NEW MADRID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I think it was Ashes (as per note on a photo I saw).
  14. Looks like he changed to a different Bass for this tour. I wonder what he used on the new record.
  15. Nice to see the Cure on the list. Still a joke. Where is Rush, Moody Blues, Yes, Chicago, Deep Purple and many others. No way Cure gets in this year. http://www.notinhalloffame.com/articles.php?cat_id=2&rowstart=0 http://www.futurerocklegends.com/index.php
  16. I think the 2008 was the only time they were on. I was thinking about if they would be on this season. Lets hope. I just listed to Speak Into the Rose on the Bonus disc and that would be sweet if they played that....Radiohead just did something like that with the songs they played.
  17. Your Lucky to see them 11 times this year. I have not been to a show since March 2010. Tough when you in South Florida.
  18. Anyone know why they stopped make the "Wall Calendars". I have all the old ones saved but they did not make for 2011. If anyone is taking notes, please make one for 2012. Thanks
  19. Hate to be "that Guy" but WTF.....anyone see if anyone was recording....we need to hear this now.
  20. RADIO CURE I can never get through that song. Sorry.
  21. Wilco x3 (Jayhawks, Sheyrl Crow, Neil Young) Black Crowes (Robert Plant) Radiohead (REM) Bob Dyan (The Dead)
  22. Nice piece on Jeff. http://www.stlmag.com/St-Louis-Magazine/September-2011/Wilcos-Jeff-Tweedy-Finds-Redemption-in-Music/
  23. Would like to the the article in english
  24. Here is the whole interview http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/videos.html?ID=1876791159
  25. I dont have that show. I thought I had almost every show ever posted....do you remember where you got that?
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