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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Pretty much. Just wish he'd stop being such a hermit.
  2. If you want Santorum to be president, vote for him. If not, vote for someone else. This shit is stupid enough without games.
  3. ah, cool... Tweedy and I share the same eye color. Some days blue, some days greenish, some days gray. My mom always called them hazel when I was a kid, so that's what I say they are. No clue if that's accurate. re: what I would ask him -- I'd do what I always do when I get the opportunity to meet someone famous who I really like... walk away. It's probably a combo of general shyness / afraid of acting like a fanatic fool / afraid of finding out he's an asshole / whatever, but I don't have much desire to get to know anyone really famous -- at least not in a random, "hey, I'm a big fan
  4. yeah, it's been up for me every time I've tried to go there this week (like right now). Kathy did post this a couple of days ago, though... I guess you're affected by it:
  5. A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert A. Heinlein
  6. Bitter, sure. Openly advocating violent civil unrest and putting a bounty on someone's head? Not at all.
  7. You want to catch an accused vigilante with... a vigilante mob?
  8. which supposedly we won't get until late June. at least nothing else political will be happening around that time.
  9. My thoughts as well. I mean, there's only so many times that I can re-listen to the classics of the past. And while it's exciting to "discover" something great from decades ago that you've never heard before, it's also often a frustrating experience because those bands & artists are almost always long gone. I'd rather follow current artists and get the chance to see them perform live and experience their musical evolution (or not) in real time -- even when I don't necessarily care for the changes. Much more interesting to me as a fan. Now if I were a musician I suppose I might fee
  10. Understandable, but it really only matters what Kennedy and Roberts think at this point. The other 7 seem pretty entrenched in their positions, as expected. BTW, I'm so amused at all of this play-by-play (and sometimes painfully partisian) reporting of this Court hearing. Like anything that these reporters say/write is going to shape what the Court's final decision will be. We'll all find out soon enough, and just because a judge asks one side tough questions doesn't necessarily mean s/he's going to vote that way.
  11. relax, it ain't dead yet. and hate to break it you, but a single payer system will just never pass in the good old US of A, at least not in our lifetime. Way too much private sector money at risk to do something like that.
  12. Doesn't have the immediate appeal of Harlem River Blues for me, but it's still very good nonetheless.
  13. Knowing that his wife hops onto the board from time to time, I can only imagine the conversation this thread might spur in the Tweedy family. "Honey, you can't believe what they're talking about now... your hair!"
  14. I think Nels dyes his hair, too.
  15. Nobody likes paying taxes, myself included. I'm self employed, so I pay double to the feds for SS/Medicare. Last year, I paid more in taxes than many people make in a year. It sucks. That said, we're in a society that makes choices on what social services we want to provide, what wars we want to engage in, what industries we want to support/bail out. I don't agree with every dollar that the gov't spends in my name, but I realize there's a tradeoff. I would rather we all pay a ton of money in taxes and then we all decide to cut back on certain things vs. what we've been doing for the pa
  16. Hated Colton. What a spoiled, racist ass. Kim is hawt; I'd love for her to take it all.
  17. I don't particularly care for her music, but I appreciate that she seems genuine and has a good voice. Her album sales are shocking because so few people pay for music these days... she obviously hits the right demographic of people still willing to pay for stuff.
  18. DHS micro-drones. edit: LOL at the hit I got when googling "DHS micro drones." (NSFRP-POS: not suitable for rational people - potentially offensive site)
  19. Ultra high altitude chemtrails, dude. Don't be such a sheep. Obama is putting up a slow-release agent to make everyone vote Democrat in November. Try doing some independent research before you post this crap, ffs.
  20. Listening to it for the first time in ages thanks to this thread... sooo good.
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