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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. No, I didn't even know he had one out. Just got in to Glossary a few months ago. I'll check it out - thanks for the tip!
  2. 2010's highlights for me are: Delta Spirit - History From Below Justin Townes Earle - Harlem River Blues Drive By Truckers - The Big To-Do The Black Keys - Brothers Glossary - Feral Fire
  3. The Hold Steady. I really want to like this band, but I've given up trying. Can't get past Finn's vocals.
  4. Used to live in MI... the only thing I miss about "real" winter is playing in the snow with my kids, making snowmen, etc. Everything else about it sucks. Roads torn up by snowplows, salt-covered cars, digging yourself out at the airport after a long trip, shoveling the driveway every morning, bleah. Now that I live in southern CA, if I want to get in some skiing or get my fix for playing in the snow, I just need to hop in the car drive a couple of hrs up to the mountains for the weekend. Get to enjoy all of the recreation and none of the day-to-day hassle.
  5. looks like it'll be awesome. wish I could be there.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3rH_7_2x6M
  7. The links they sent out before were set to expire in 3 days, iirc. Supposedly if you email nimbit, they'll send you a new one.
  8. The soundtrack for this movie is ridiculously good.
  9. Can totally relate... funny how that works.
  10. Archetypes of Humanity Imitation not Flattery Jung and the Restless Collective Conscience Swimbladder
  11. Yeah, same here... he's touring with Social Distortion and Lucero right now and I've heard a lot of great things, so I thought I'd check him out... love, love the album. Gonna keep an eye on him.
  12. It's a crime that they didn't get mentioned until post #33. others: Otis Day & The Knights (Animal House) Citizen Dick (Singles) The Commitments (The Commitments) Wild Stallions Wyld Stallyns (Bill & Ted's)
  13. I've never seen this show before, but that's an awesome scene. Sad and wonderful.
  14. About 2 or 3 yrs ago we found some fairly nice-looking globe-style ornaments that have a plastic (or maybe even styrofoam) core and are wrapped with a silk-like thread. Really brightly colored, festive... and completely indestructible. You won't win any Martha Stewart awards with them, but they've made having a Christmas tree with our small (and sometimes wild) kids a much more enjoyable experience.
  15. Thanks for sharing... it's helpful. When I lived in MI and had a basement, I had a nice little weight set and treadmill set up down there and would use them on an almost daily basis... then we moved to CA and into a house with about 50% the sq footage and no basement, so I have absolutely no space for that stuff. Maybe one day I'll get the garage cleaned out enough to fit one or both of those things again. Insanity is almost all cardio... running, jumping, bending, lunging, etc. There are some exercises which require you to do pushups, but they're usually mixed with other moves done in r
  16. Crazy. With 2 small kids at home and a wife who works evenings, that'd be a recipe for divorce for me. And I already walk to work... of course, I work from home so it's not quite as impressive.
  17. Great question... not sure. I've previously tried jogging for a while and found it boring (and it eventually killed my knees) so that's not realistic. I've also tried bike riding (where I live is about a 25 min ride from the beach), which was much better, but still not something I enjoyed enough to stick with. I'm thinking of signing up for a rec basketball league here for the winter -- it'd only be 1 day/week, but that plus 1-2 other workouts a week should be enough for me to maintain a decent fitness level. If I had more tolerance for running (physically & mentally) I'd try somethin
  18. good for Conan I thought the opening clip was fantastic, the monologue was a nervous mess, but the rest was fine. I'll DVR him and watch after The Daily Show (that is, on nights I don't crash first).
  19. Started Insanity month 2 today, and it finally happened -- Shaun T. made me puke. Should have known better given that I'm still working off a bad cold from the weekend and took an extra "recovery" week last week due to some family commitments. But I lost about 15 lbs in the first month (more now, I guess ) and my "fit test" results have gone up about 50%, so it's definitely an effective program. This last month doesn't look like fun, though...
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcERWFsDuT8 I really like it. If that's the direction of his new solo album, I can't wait.
  21. I also need the smell of a real tree to make it seem like Christmas. My parents switched to artificial trees a few years ago, and while they certainly look nice, they're not the same. Btw, I couldn't imagine putting stuff up this early. Just talking about it seems strange... why do you people hate Thanksgiving soo much?
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